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4 hours ago, TheSnotRocket said:



Curious on my /data path.

Some of ya'll are pointing to a single disk - but I have about 70tb across about 10 disks in my array.


When I try to start the container I'm getting: ERROR Unable to use the drive /data: Drive /data: found backend type fs, expected xl or xl-single: Invalid arguments specified


What would my solution be?  Am I SOL?

Minio doesn’t seem to play nicely with the FUSE file system unraid uses. So you have to options.


1. You directly mount only a single disk into the container.

2. Try a vdisk, I have not seen much feed back on this so I do not know if it works 100%. Link to that post


The most annoying thing is my personal system works fine with multi disks but we can not pin down why. Good luck

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2 hours ago, cheesemarathon said:

Minio doesn’t seem to play nicely with the FUSE file system unraid uses. So you have to options.


1. You directly mount only a single disk into the container.

2. Try a vdisk, I have not seen much feed back on this so I do not know if it works 100%. Link to that post


The most annoying thing is my personal system works fine with multi disks but we can not pin down why. Good luck

@TheSnotRocket I just saw that my Minio had also stopped with the same error as yours. I rolled back to version RELEASE.2022-07-15T03-44-22Z and it is working again. Probably worth a shot for you to try.

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2 hours ago, cheesemarathon said:

Not a problem. The version I picked was just a random one from a few months ago. There may be a newer version that will work. If you want try going through the version tags found here to see what the latest working version is.

I used the following:



Chose that due to the issue cropping up just a few days ago. Seems to be working for the multiple instances I have setup.


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If you find yourself here because your MinIO container stopped being able to start on or around October 31st, it's likely because MinIO removed support for "Filesystem" backends and didn't provide an automatic upgrade/migration path:





RELEASE.2022-10-29T06-21-33Z fully removes the deprecated Gateway/Filesystem backends. MinIO returns an error if it starts up and detects existing Filesystem backend files.

To migrate from an FS-backend deployment, use mc mirror or mc cp to copy your data over to a new MinIO SNSD deployment. You should also recreate any necessary users, groups, policies, and bucket configurations on the SNSD deployment.


Looks like the only solution is to run a previous container version, stand up a new version simultaneously and copy your data/settings to a new MinIO deployment. Really annoyed by this. Off I go to recreate and duplicate a few TB of data...

Edited by kmwoley
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On 11/3/2022 at 8:03 PM, kmwoley said:

If you find yourself here because your MinIO container stopped being able to start on or around October 31st, it's likely because MinIO removed support for "Filesystem" backends and didn't provide an automatic upgrade/migration path:




Looks like the only solution is to run a previous container version, stand up a new version simultaneously and copy your data/settings to a new MinIO deployment. Really annoyed by this. Off I go to recreate and duplicate a few TB of data...

How do I go about standing up a new version as a docker in Unraid if new versions won't start because of this file system error?

Is this just some config changes when I install the new docker instance?

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On 11/5/2022 at 3:51 PM, adoucette said:

How do I go about standing up a new version as a docker in Unraid if new versions won't start because of this file system error?

Is this just some config changes when I install the new docker instance?

Yes its just config issues. You will want to create two minio containers. Your old one but put it on version RELEASE.2022-10-24T18-35-07Z to get it to start. Create another minio container but with a different config directory and data location. Also change the ports.


Then from your old minio data directory copy your .minio.sys/config/config.json file and put it in the same location in the new minio data directory. Both containers should now be running and you can use mc cp or mc mirror to move the data to the new minio container.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/7/2022 at 7:17 AM, cheesemarathon said:

Yes its just config issues. You will want to create two minio containers. Your old one but put it on version RELEASE.2022-10-24T18-35-07Z to get it to start. Create another minio container but with a different config directory and data location. Also change the ports.


Then from your old minio data directory copy your .minio.sys/config/config.json file and put it in the same location in the new minio data directory. Both containers should now be running and you can use mc cp or mc mirror to move the data to the new minio container.

I assume your post here assumes you have minio using a single disk directly or the vdisk option?  Because the latest version of minio doesn't work on unraid.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
17 hours ago, mumuchangfeng said:

Has anyone encountered this error when starting minio:"Error: Unable to initialize config, some features may be missing migrateConfigToMinioSys: Prefix access is denied: .minio.sys/config/config.json (*fmt.wrapError)"

Unfortunately due to changes in Minio, the unRAID file system is no longer supported. The only way to get Minio to work on unRAID now is by mapping a single disk directly or setting up a V-Disk.

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  • 4 weeks later...



I'm having this super weird issue with the Ghost container. Strangely enough, this also happens with bitnami's Ghost container.


Issue: When I start the container, it fails to connect to the DB because it connect using 'ghost'@'Ghost_testwebsite.br4' which is the right username, but it uses the container name.interface instead of the ip passed though "database__connection__host":



ERROR Access denied for user 'ghost'@'Ghost_testwebsite.br4' (using password: YES)


Access denied for user 'ghost'@'Ghost_testwebsite.br4' (using password: YES)


"Unknown database error"


Error ID:


Error Code: 





docker create
  -e TZ="America/New_York"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Unraid"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="Ghost_testwebsite"
  -e 'database__connection__host'='a.b.c.e'
  -e 'database__connection__user'='ghost'
  -e 'database__connection__password'='abcde'
  -e 'database__connection__database'='ghost'
  -e 'url'='https://example.ca'
  -e 'mail__transport'='SMTP'
  -e 'mail__options__service'='Mailgun'
  -e 'mail__options__auth__user'=''
  -e 'mail__options__auth__pass'=''
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -e 'database__client'='mysql'
  -e 'TCP_PORT_2368'='2368'
  -e 'NODE_ENV'='production'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cheesemarathon/docker-templates/master/images/Ghost.png'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/ghost/':'/var/lib/ghost/content':'rw' 'ghost'


The command finished successfully!


Also, I tried to add "PUID" & "PGID" arguments to troubleshoot why the container is trying to write as the wrong user:


root@Unraid:/mnt/user/appdata/ghost# ls -la
total 0
drwxrwxrwx+ 1 techknowcase users  96 Jan  5 01:35 ./
drwxrwxrwx  1 nobody       users 852 Oct 23 10:49 ../
drwxr-x---+ 1 techknowcase users   0 Jan  2 13:28 apps/
drwxr-x---+ 1 techknowcase users   0 Jan  2 13:28 data/
drwxr-x---+ 1 techknowcase users   0 Jan  2 13:28 files/
drwxr-x---+ 1 techknowcase users   0 Jan  2 13:28 images/
drwxr-x---+ 1 techknowcase users 140 Jan  5 01:35 logs/
drwxr-x---+ 1 techknowcase users   0 Jan  2 13:28 media/
drwxr-x---+ 1 techknowcase users   0 Jan  2 13:28 public/
drwxr-x---+ 1 techknowcase users   0 Jan  2 13:28 settings/
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 techknowcase users  12 Jan  2 13:29 themes/



Granted, techknowcase is my username on a few website on the internet, but never that username is passthough to the container. I'm not sure how Ghost was able to get that username somehow... if I reset the permissions to noody:users and launch the container again, it change it back to techknowcase:1000 when it boots. Even when I delete the ghost folder and everything in it.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by TechKnowCase
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  • 1 month later...
On 1/25/2017 at 7:12 AM, cheesemarathon said:

Application Name: diyHue

Description: diyHue allows you to create your own Philips Hue system easily and at a much lower cost. By default it supports just WiFi lights and sensors, but it can be extended to also controll ZigBee devices such as Tradfri, Genuine Phillips Hue, Xiaomi and others.

Application Site: https://github.com/diyhue/diyHue

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/diyhue/core/

Github: https://github.com/diyhue/diyHue

Install Instructions: https://diyhue.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html#docker-install

Thanks to Marius Motea for this application

Some outdated info...
OP post 1 is missing new webpage


The Unraid docker "app" support thread link is outdated.


Clicking SUPPORT goes to broken forum link
should be changed to:


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13 hours ago, TRusselo said:

Some outdated info...
OP post 1 is missing new webpage


The Unraid docker "app" support thread link is outdated.


Clicking SUPPORT goes to broken forum link
should be changed to:


Thanks for the heads up! I’ll get that fixed

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  • 3 weeks later...
15 hours ago, RedSpider said:

Hello. I'm looking at implementing OAuth2 Proxy but currently run my stuff behind HAProxy as part of pfSense.


Is it possible to run OA2P behind HAprox and if so does anybody have a guide? I only see NGINX?


Hi @RedSpider


In theory, yes, OAuth2 Proxy can work with any proxy system. However, I am not an expert in it and I am not familiar with HAProxy at all. As such i suggest you have a read of the OAuth2 Proxy Docs to get a better understanding of how it works and how you may be able to implement it. A quick google may turn up some results of people using it in a similar way to how you would like.


Id look to see if HAProxy has some sort of Forward_Auth option as that is how OAuth2 integrates with Nginx and Traefik.

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On 1/5/2023 at 7:02 AM, TechKnowCase said:



I'm having this super weird issue with the Ghost container. Strangely enough, this also happens with bitnami's Ghost container.


Issue: When I start the container, it fails to connect to the DB because it connect using 'ghost'@'Ghost_testwebsite.br4' which is the right username, but it uses the container name.interface instead of the ip passed though "database__connection__host":






Also, I tried to add "PUID" & "PGID" arguments to troubleshoot why the container is trying to write as the wrong user:


Granted, techknowcase is my username on a few website on the internet, but never that username is passthough to the container. I'm not sure how Ghost was able to get that username somehow... if I reset the permissions to noody:users and launch the container again, it change it back to techknowcase:1000 when it boots. Even when I delete the ghost folder and everything in it.


Thanks in advance!

Not suer if you fixed this. Sorry for the slow reply.


Your net is set to br4. I'm using the default bridge network and I'm having no issues.

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