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extra text field for VGA ROM in VM advanced options


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Many systems require a GPU dump to be specified so VM GPU passthrough works without Error 43 as described in this video:




It would be nice to have an (optional) text box/file picker box for this in the advanced VM PCI passthrough settings GUI so we don't have to copy-paste this into the XML whenever we change a VM setting.


The XML tag is <rom file='/mnt/user/path/file.dump'/>

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On 02/02/2017 at 5:02 PM, jonp said:

Great suggestion and something we do have planned for future inclusion.  We may even add an option to dump the ROM from the GPU using a webGui control, but that one is probably a little further out.


@jonp wow that would be awesome to have the option to dump bios from gui.....just when I think unRAID cant get any better!

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