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Help, can't connect UPS to Unraid server


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2017-02-06 3 days searching a way to connect UPS to Unraid server.


UPS: CyberPower 700 AVR with DB9 connector



Model: Custom

M/B: Supermicro - C2SEA

CPU: Intel® Core™2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz

HVM: Enabled

IOMMU: Disabled

Cache: 64 kB, 2048 kB

Memory: 6 GB (max. installable capacity 8 GB)*

Network: eth0: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 1500

Kernel: Linux 4.9.7-unRAID x86_64

OpenSSL: 1.0.2j


Running Unraid v6.3.0


Connection from server to UPS: USB to DB9 adaptor with 2303AR chip

Command ls /dev/tty* shows /dev/ttyUSB0


Settings - UPS Settings:


Start APC UPS daemon: Yes

UPS cable: USB

Custom UPS cable:

UPS type: APCSmart

Device: /dev/ttyUSB0

Battery level to initiate shutdown (%): 90

Runtime left to initiate shutdown (minutes): 10

Time on battery before shutdown (seconds): 15

Turn off UPS after shutdown: No


Clicking "Apply", shows RUNNING at top right window and "Refreshing" in Status

Then, the apcupsd stops running (verified in ps-ef)


Seems like apcupsd starts but stops after refreshing and no communications with UPS.


Did 3 days of searches in all threads and can't see any solution.


Anyone seen this situation?

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A few thoughts. 


1)  You have verified that the Cyberpower 900 works with apcuspd.  Right?  If it does have only a serial port on it, it is fairly old...


2)  I can remember when I was researching the use of a IR to RS232 converter for my home theater projector which uses a rs232port for communication with the projector and programming of the converter, that many USB-to-rs232 adapters would not work with the converter.  As I recall, in some cases, it had to do with the fact that the voltage went from 0 to +5 volts rather than the actual -3V(min) to +3V(min) voltage transients that are called for in the spec.  You might have to see if you can actually find a genuine rs232 card rather than that UBS adapter. 


3)  You have to get the right rs232 cable and it is not always clear which one is required.  Depending on how the receiving device is configured, the send wires on one end of the cable may have to cross-connected so that they on the receive terminals on the other end. 


4)  You may have to set the transmission speed of the port to the proper value.  If the sending speed is not set to what the receiving device is expecting, it will never be able to comunicate.


Most folks avoid rs232 these days and it is difficult to even find a computer that has the interface included on the MB. 

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