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Cache drive + transfer speed questions

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tried unraid last week and almost gave up on it due to a failing disk. once i tossed that out everything started working :) (tnx Joe L. for the tips)


anyhow now the thing is up and running i purchased the plus licence and started using the cache drive, but im still having some issues here.

i turned on all shares to use the cache drive, all split levels are set to 1

now, since the one drive failed, im a bit short on space, only 160gb free there and 2 of my drives are full, only the last drive i added has space on it, along with the cache drive until i get the RMA from WD


1st issue, since adding the cache drive, the transfer speed never changed, still hovers around 10-12MB/sec on all my wired computers, this is what i get from unmenu ethernet info. i tried searching the forums, but i wasnt very successful, copying stuff over from this wireless comp is around  1-1.76MB/sec - all values i have is just reading what the windows transfer screen shows.


NIC info (from ethtool)


Settings for eth0:

Supported ports: [ TP MII ]

Supported link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full

                        100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full

                        1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full

Supports auto-negotiation: Yes

Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full

                        100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full

                        1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full

Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes

Speed: 100Mb/s

Duplex: Full

Port: MII


Transceiver: internal

Auto-negotiation: on

Supports Wake-on: pumbg

Wake-on: g

Current message level: 0x00000033 (51)

Link detected: yes


NIC driver info (from ethtool -i)


driver: r8169

version: 2.3LK-NAPI


bus-info: 0000:05:00.0


Ethernet config info (from ifconfig)


eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 6c:f0:49:0a:1d:b9 

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


          RX packets:9466117 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

          TX packets:6454911 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

          RX bytes:1977791314 (1.8 GiB)  TX bytes:2014613218 (1.8 GiB)

          Interrupt:30 Base address:0x2000


2nd issue, the cache drive doesnt seem to copy all files over, the syslog is full of "duplicate object", but when i go to disk2 and cache, the exact same files in the directories exist, except one folder did not get copied over to disk 2.

btw, the files in question are porn lol, so the syslog is full of those names, just so ur warned before opening it. now this folder does reside on one of the disks that is completely full, but my understanding is that it should create a directory one the next disk called disk3/videos/xXx/pron/next_directory and copy files over, but it doesnt seem to be doing that



the specs for the system

mobo : gigabyte GA-770TA-UD3 ( 8 sata ports including sata3 6Gb/s and USB3.0)

cpu: sempron 140

memory: OCS gold series 2GB

HD: see screenshot

router: linksys wrt54g (tomato firmware)

all computers accesing the server are runing win7-32bit



syslog is too big to attach http://www.mediafire.com/file/ldedyznmfz2/syslog-2010-03-16%282%29.zip


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You are connected at 100Mbps. This means about 10Mbps to 11Mbps is about as fast as it can go.


Using a disk structure such as /mnt/disk2/Videos/xXx says that "Videos" is the share name. With a split level of 1 this directory can appear on multiple drives. However, the "xXx" directory can not split to multiple drives. This seems to be the problem, the "xXx" directory is on the full disk2 and unRAID won't create a new one to add more contents.


I'm guessing the mover script was interrupted by the full drive and it never deleted the stuff that actually got moved and it can't move the stuff that didn't get moved. You can just go to the cache drive and delete the stuff that is already added to the main array. You'll have to change the split level to 2 to allow that xXx directory to split to disk3.


The other option is to use split level of 0 as decribed here. Then, you have to manually create the xXx directory on disk3.






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Tnx for the quick reply.


I set the shares to split at 2 and 3 for some, well see how that works


the network though, the mobo says it is gigabit Ethernet, why would it only run at 100 Mbps??

Is there a way to change it??


That is what your NIC and the device it is plugged into negotiated at. Is it plugged into a gige switch? (the other end has to be gige capable as well) Possibly a faulty cable?

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It is plugged into the wrt54gl router. Not sure what setting the wrt runs at. It is an older cable, I guess I'll try changing the cable when I get home later on tonight


Thats your bottleneck. The router only supports 100mb connections. 10-12MB/sec is the max you'll get out of your current setup.

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well i guess at least i know there is nothing i can do other then spend money to fix the transfer speeds lol.


tnx for the replies guys, after setting the split level to 5 for my shares, it looks the cache drive is working now fine too....


now i gotta sort out my issues with untorrent and unmenu....

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You can pick up a gige switch fairly easily.  I have had nothing but great success with my trendnet 8 port gige switch, which only cost me $15 (on deal from buy.com).  It has surprisingly good build quality and actually feels great (heavy with nice metal outer casing).


Pick up some cat5e or cat6 cables from monoprice.com... I always ask around to see which of my friends wants in too because you can split the cost of shipping.

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Do yourself the favor and get the HP ProCurve 1400-8G or managed 1800-8G both 8-port, if you need more ports then 1400-24G respectively 1800-24G. The 1800-xxG would support port trunking excellently. You wont find anything better in that price range.


Ah, another fan of the procurves. I have 2 8-port 1400s and they are built like tanks.

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