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Minimum free space not being honored


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Minimum free space means not to START a copy to a drive that doesn't have that much space left.


Once a copy starts, however, it will finish.  For example, suppose there's 70GB free, and you copy a 65GB file to the drive ... the copy will be allowed, since the drive has more than 60GB free; but after it's done there will only be 5GB left on the drive.  It will not, of course, allow another copy to that drive, since it no longer meets the min free requirement.


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There's no performance issue with a full drive -- reads aren't impacted; and if it's full there won't be any writes to it  :)


The reason you should set a "minimum free space" value is so a copy won't be started to the drive if the file won't fit -- so you should basically set min free to the size of the largest file you might ever copy.  UnRAID has no way to knowing what size a file is that you're copying to it -- so if you didn't have a min free set a copy could fail because there wasn't enough space on the drive.


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