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array, is just gone...?


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Just set up unraid for the first time. had about 2.5 tb of stuffed moved over. last night I shut down the server from the web gui, this morning I turn it on, the array is just gone. everything, plex and all the data. drives are just showing up not in an array.

help please? I think I just lost some hard to recover stuff =[

Ok, I think i just got sacred. do i need to "start" the array after a shutdown with the webgui? this will just bring back the old one and not create a new one correct?

 I don't want to touch anything until someone tells me I am right.

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Yea, so yes I just needed to "start" the array.

this was a case of me feeling a little unsure about unraid because all I used before was a drobo which is pretty dumby proof. And after watching some 20 hours of videos for unraid not once did it come up that you have to "start" the array after the server is shut down =\

SO TLDR for anyone else. - did not know had to start the array after a shutdown.

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