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[support] dlandon - ownCloud

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3 hours ago, CHBMB said:

Gotta say. I'm impressed!

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

At what?  That I have this bad habit of adopting orphans like the ownCloud tasks?  I have a history of doing this - Recycle Bin, Open Files, UD, Enhanced Log, etc.  I just hate seeing a lot of work go into software to just be left behind to die.


I'm really just going to get it on the Marketplace and eventually bring it up to the Nextcloud tasks version 0.9.5.  I don't intend to do a lot of development.  I have to say, the security behind ownCloud (and I expect Nextcloud) software development is pretty impressive and slows the development efforts while the code review and checks is happening.

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1 minute ago, CHBMB said:

I'm impressed at exactly that! That you're adopting ANOTHER project! :)

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

I got out of software development back in 2000 when software development was being outsourced overseas.  I am not working in the profession at this time.  I've been in the computer/software game since the mid 70s.  In fact I just sold an IMSAI computer I've had since then.  I guess doing software work is my way of keeping my mind sharp as I age, and I actually enjoy the challenge.  Problem is I tend to overload my arse at times.

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There is an issue with the latest mariadb update (10.3.3) releaaed on 12/23 that has caused me some problems.  If you have not restarted your ownCloud docker since 12/23  just go into the Docker with this command:

docker exec -it ownCloud bash

and delete the /etc/my_init.d/20_apt_update.sh file with this command:

rm /etc/my_init.d/20_apt_update.sh

This will prevent the mariadb update when the ownCloud docker is restarted.


If you have restarted the ownCloud docker and it has updated to 10.3.3, then do the following.

- Stop the ownCloud docker, click on "Basic View" to change to the Advanced View, then click on "Force Update".

- Disconnect your server from the Internet.

- Start the ownCloud docker.

- Go into the Docker and delete the 20_apt_update.sh file as above.

- Restart the ownCloud docker.

- Reconnect to the Internet.


The ownCloud docker will not update to mariadb 10.3.3.


You can check the version of mariadb installed by executing the command:

mysql -V

while in the ownCloud docker.  The version should show as 10.3.2.


In the future I will probably not allow the mariadb package to update on startup.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On trying to create an admin account via the owncloud webui I get:


"Error while trying to create admin user: An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE oc_calendarsubscriptions CHANGE `lastmodified` lastmodified INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL': SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'lastmodified' "


Is this a problem with my configuration of MariaDB?

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7 hours ago, jorj4man said:

On trying to create an admin account via the owncloud webui I get:


"Error while trying to create admin user: An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE oc_calendarsubscriptions CHANGE `lastmodified` lastmodified INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL': SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'lastmodified' "


Is this a problem with my configuration of MariaDB?

Works fine for me.  It looks like you may have an older installation of ownCloud already in the appdata.  Be sure there is no ownCloud directory in appdata.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello dlandon (or anybody else who wishes to reply or on this page),


Kindly I was wondering if an update would be released soon to move to version 10.0.06 as the current version seems to be 10.0.03.

Also I would like to ask how I would be able to resolve the update issue (I tried to update manually unsuccesfully) and if that would be neccesary: Setting > General (under admin) > open updater (uner updater). The following error occurs on my Firefox screen: "cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate". Therefore whether you would agree to go with the following method: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24611640/curl-60-ssl-certificate-unable-to-get-local-issuer-certificate



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3 hours ago, LimeCenter said:

Hello dlandon (or anybody else who wishes to reply or on this page),


Kindly I was wondering if an update would be released soon to move to version 10.0.06 as the current version seems to be 10.0.03.

Also I would like to ask how I would be able to resolve the update issue (I tried to update manually unsuccesfully) and if that would be neccesary: Setting > General (under admin) > open updater (uner updater). The following error occurs on my Firefox screen: "cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate". Therefore whether you would agree to go with the following method: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24611640/curl-60-ssl-certificate-unable-to-get-local-issuer-certificate



The latest Docker will install ownCloud 10.0.6 on the first install, but it will not upgrade an existing installation to 10.0.6.  You need to use the webgui updater, or do a manual update.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear dlandon or someone else,


Kindly I would like to inform you that the docker successfully was installed. However during these last weeks I was unable to install properly an SSL certificate. Simple placing the files 'cert.cert' and 'cert.key' folder in ownCloud/www/owncloud/config/keys did not obtain the desired result (which was suggested in the first post). Editing the config.php file in ownCloud/www/owncloud/config with the configuration recommendations of Mozilla https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/ was not very successful unfortunately. I tried to troubleshoot using the manual from Apache but untill now with little luck: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslcertificatechainfile
For the rest the ownCloud seems to work fine.


So my question would be: How would one install completely all SSL certificate in ownCloud with unique URL, including the certificate bundle?

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3 hours ago, LimeCenter said:

Dear dlandon or someone else,


Kindly I would like to inform you that the docker successfully was installed. However during these last weeks I was unable to install properly an SSL certificate. Simple placing the files 'cert.cert' and 'cert.key' folder in ownCloud/www/owncloud/config/keys did not obtain the desired result (which was suggested in the first post). Editing the config.php file in ownCloud/www/owncloud/config with the configuration recommendations of Mozilla https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/ was not very successful unfortunately. I tried to troubleshoot using the manual from Apache but untill now with little luck: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslcertificatechainfile
For the rest the ownCloud seems to work fine.


So my question would be: How would one install completely all SSL certificate in ownCloud with unique URL, including the certificate bundle?

You place the files into the keys/ folder.  You said "files 'cert.cert' and 'cert.key' folder".  They are not folders.  All you need to do is install those files and set the trusted domain name in the config.php file.


What specifically is the issue you are seeing?

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3 hours ago, LimeCenter said:

Forgive for that mistake. The files are placed in that folder. And the config.php looks like this below.

When going to the website through firefox I am presented with the message: "test.fair-fusion.eu is using an invallid certificate. The certificate is not trusted, because it is self signed." which would not be the case. However ping seems to react normally. 1. How could I add those lines from Mozilla https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/ succesfully to the config file? 2. What could I do to troubleshoot this?

You need to edit your post and remove the config.php.  You are exposing too much information.

Edited by dlandon
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3 hours ago, LimeCenter said:

1. How could I add those lines from Mozilla https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/ succesfully to the config file?

Those entries go in the 'ownCloud/config/nginx/site-confs/default' file.  The ownCloud Docker is using nginx, not apache.


You shouldn't need to do anything but put your certificates in the keys/ folder.  The nginx default file is already set up for the proper certificate locations.

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20 hours ago, LimeCenter said:


You can't get a trusted certificate on a sub-domain unless you own the domain "fair-fusion.eu".


My suggestion is to get your own domain from someone like DynDNS and then purchase a real trusted certificate from someone like SSL Store.  That's what I did to get my own domain with a trusted certificate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear dlandon or anyone else,


fair-fusion.eu is proudly own by me and recently I tried to install GeoTrust's SSL certificate into ownCloud and our website. Installing the SSL certificate on the website was easy. However installing it on owncloud has not been with succes yet...  Would you be so very kind to share some light on how to install the the RSA private key, SSL certificate and the CA bundle from scratch? Especially the CA bundle since there seems to be no indication on our forum here or support pages of ownCloud. The certificates have been shared with me in tekst format and thus not in a file format. If you have any recommendations where to find online guidlines, please do not hestitate to share them. The certificates look like this:



[encoded data]


[encoded data]


I tried to follow these quidelines (not sure if there were any good): https://knowledge.geotrust.com/support/knowledge-base/index?page=content&id=SO17482&act=RATE&viewlocale=en_US&newguid=3ade3e27db7e471c8fc615610dcfdf57


Secondly, I kindly would like to ask why is it that when clicking on 'wbUI' in the GUI of unRAID it redirects me to another IP adress than stated in the 'Fixed IP address (optional):' in the edit page?

Thank you very much in advance for your reply.


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1 hour ago, LimeCenter said:

Dear dlandon or anyone else,


fair-fusion.eu is proudly own by me and recently I tried to install GeoTrust's SSL certificate into ownCloud and our website. Installing the SSL certificate on the website was easy. However installing it on owncloud has not been with succes yet...  Would you be so very kind to share some light on how to install the the RSA private key, SSL certificate and the CA bundle from scratch? Especially the CA bundle since there seems to be no indication on our forum here or support pages of ownCloud. The certificates have been shared with me in tekst format and thus not in a file format. If you have any recommendations where to find online guidlines, please do not hestitate to share them. The certificates look like this:



[encoded data]


[encoded data]


I tried to follow these quidelines (not sure if there were any good): https://knowledge.geotrust.com/support/knowledge-base/index?page=content&id=SO17482&act=RATE&viewlocale=en_US&newguid=3ade3e27db7e471c8fc615610dcfdf57


Secondly, I kindly would like to ask why is it that when clicking on 'wbUI' in the GUI of unRAID it redirects me to another IP adress than stated in the 'Fixed IP address (optional):' in the edit page?

Thank you very much in advance for your reply.


Those instructions look right.  What errors are you getting?


You need to address your owncloud with https://your domain, even on the local network.

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There is an app in the ownCloud Market that will do what you want.  Log into ownCloud and then click on the icon in the upper left that says "Files".  Click on the Market icon and then choose the Security category.  You'll find the "Security" app that will limit brute force login attempts.

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If you allow client and third party apps (Calendar, Contacts, ownCloud desktop client, etc) access to your ownCloud, you should also install the OAuth2 app that uses tokens instead of passwords for access.  Clients and third party apps do not store passwords locally.  You log in initially using your login on ownCloud and then the app gets a token to use to login.  You can revoke the token if necessary.

Edited by dlandon
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Topic: SSL


After much struggling, I finally obtained the desired A+ grade for my SSL certificate installed on my ownCloud. These were my particular issues that needed addressing in the order of relevance and chronology:

  • In many cases, SSL certificate providers share a: private key, SSL certificate, and a CA-bundle. As ownCloud uses nginx and because I wished to install the intermediateCA.crt as well (you can obtain a B grade without it), the intermediateCA.crt needs to be incorporated into ssl_certitificate.crt that later will become the cert.crt  (placed in the keys /folder). Geotrust recommends https://knowledge.geotrust.com/support/knowledge-base/index?page=content&actp=CROSSLINK&id=SO17482 using the cat command as follows: cat IntermediateCA.crt >> ssl_certificate.crt which will provide with a result something like this:


[encoded data]


[encoded data]


Placing an enter between the two certificates resolves the issue of the certificate not being read properly. Thus it would look like this:



[encoded data]


[encoded data]


  • When having the two files, cert.key and cert.crt , place them in the already existing folder owncloud/keys and not in owncloud/www/owncloud/config/keys (where you have the creat the keys folder) placing them in that first folder owncloud/keys solved the issue of the right certificates being retrieved. This appears contradicotory to the reccomendation from first post of dlandon suggesting the later:
    On 03/06/2017 at 10:16 PM, dlandon said:


    • If you use your own certificate keys name them cert.key and cert.crt, and place them in config/keys folder.
     Though I should confess that I have not yet deleted the files from owncloud/www/owncloud/config/keys because I needed the cloud to work for these days and was not willing to run the risk of spending another afternoon figuring out what had gone wrong.
  • When making changes to the config.php under owncloud/www/owncloud/config/ it is vital maintaining the same type of characters. When adding the second line 'trusted_domains'       =>  I hit the apostrophe key from my Mac OSX which types a different apostrophe (ever so slightly tilted) than the type used in config.php (which is vertical). Copy-pasting the apostrophe from the php file and only typing the domain between resolved the issue. The result should look a little like this:

'trusted_domains' => 
  array (
    0 => '',
    1 => 'loves.9gag.com',


So the owncloud finally worked untill my collueges crashed it....

My dearest thanks go to dlandon for his/her prompt replies and support.

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