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1080p/Sound without attached TV


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I am successfull in running a Windows 10 VM (GTX 1050 Ti) as a server for my steamlink. Having installed my entire library to the array it just makes sense serving a remote client in my living room.


The steam link is perfect not only because it is tiny and plainly.. just works, but because it wakes up my VM! They built in wake on lan by default, and the VM WOL Plugin works wonders.


One issue though: without a tv attached via HDMI the VM boots in 1024x800 and is unable to play sound.


Is there any way to attach a virtual TV or any other workaround for this?!

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The way to fix this is to start the VM with the screen connected then use moninfo to export the inf file with the the correct edid info.


Then point the generic plug and play monitor to the newly created inf file you got from moninfo.

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Thanks for the quick reply! Does that solve gpu audio issues as well?


I have just found the fit headless gs on amazon. Seems there is a hardware dongle dedicated towards this issue and quite cheap as well!

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