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used rsync on wrong disk


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I was following the wiki article to replace smaller disks with one larger disk.  I copied this rsync -avX /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk3 then pasted it into putty not knowing it would execute it immediately.  I closed the putty session as soon as I could, within about 10 seconds.  Did I mess anything up by doing this?  I was trying to move disk 3 to disk 4, not 1 to 3.  Please advise on what I should do, or if its not that big of a deal, since I caught it right away.  Thanks in Advance!

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That would be for you to discover. See what it moved from disk1 to disk3 if anything, and whether or not that is OK with you.


A user share is just the aggregate of all top level folders on array or cache with that name. So if you have a disk3/Movies folder, for example, anything in that folder is part of the Movies share along with anything else in a top level folder named Movies on the other disks.

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