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Server stuck at mounting disks when starting array


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I recently picked up three WD Red 8TB drives that I wanted to add to my array (I planned to make two of these parity and the other just a normal data drive). I previously had two 4TB drives setup for dual parity, so after preclearing all of the new drives I replaced one of the parity drives with one of the new 8TB drives. Everything was working fine while it rebuilt the parity. After that finished I replaced the other 4TB parity disk with one of the new 8TB drives and added the third 8TB drive as a data disk to the array. When I went to start the array, it was stuck at mounting disks and the WebUI froze. I let it sit for about an hour hoping that it would boot but it was still stuck when I checked again. After force shutting down the server, I started the array in maintenance mode and did a parity sync. When that finished I tried starting the array again but it was stuck on mounting disks and the WebUI froze again.


I initially thought the issue might be with the 8TB drives, so I removed all of them from the array (they were still connected to the machine FWIW), followed the Shrink array instructions and then tried to start the array but had the same issue as earlier. I tried starting it without any drives in the parity slots and with another 4TB drive that I had previously precleared.


I also thought the issue may be related to the new SATA card I bought so I could add these drives (even though there were no issues with the other drives connected to it when I first started to preclear the 8TB drives). I pulled that from the system so everything was the same as it was before the new drives were added, but I still ran into the same problems.


One other thing that I don’t think is related but still might be worth mentioning is that I was having some libvirt errors after I tried adding more RAM to a VM. Somehow it messed up the dashboard page and VM page (There were overlapping icons and I was not able to interact with any of the items on the page). None of the VMs on there was really important as I moved most of them over to my lab so I just shut off virtual machines and then everything was working fine again.


I currently have the server in maintenance mode with a 4TB drive in the parity slot and it is running a parity sync. I will try starting it tomorrow after the parity sync finishes, but are there any steps that I might have missed/messed up? I can try to pull any log files but the ones I looked at were from the last time the server was working.

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