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Mover writing to multiple drives


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Right now I get some good speeds writing to SSD cache drive (of course), but I am still trying to get everything onto unRAID. I have about 8TB to still move over and only a 250GB cache SSD. 

Would it be possible to have to mover write to multiple array disks at once and speed up the mover action?

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2 hours ago, blurb2m said:

Would it be possible to have to mover write to multiple array disks at once and speed up the mover action?


If the array is parity protected writing to multiple disks simultaneous will slow down writes instead of speeding them up, for the initial load it's much better to disable cache, you can also enable turbo write:



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6 hours ago, johnnie.black said:


If the array is parity protected writing to multiple disks simultaneous will slow down writes instead of speeding them up, for the initial load it's much better to disable cache, you can also enable turbo write:



Turbo write sounds like something I will need to test out.

I had really bad luck when I bypassed the cache drive. I tried it for one TV series 96GB and it made the system completely unresponsive for hours even after transfer finished. I'll give TW a shot. Thanks!

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