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how to shutdown desktop pc from unRaid server on power failure?


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I am running the apcupsd - A daemon for controlling APC UPS devices (apcupsd-3.14.8-i486-1_rlw.tgz) package in unMenu and it works perfectly. I have the server monitor the UPS and shut down the server using the Clean Powerdown (powerdown-1.02-noarch-unRAID.tgz) package.


Is there a way to send a command to the windows pc to shutdown as well?



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I am running the apcupsd - A daemon for controlling APC UPS devices (apcupsd-3.14.8-i486-1_rlw.tgz) package in unMenu and it works perfectly. I have the server monitor the UPS and shut down the server using the Clean Powerdown (powerdown-1.02-noarch-unRAID.tgz) package.


Is there a way to send a command to the windows pc to shutdown as well?



It is my understanding it already does.  I've never used that feature.  You'd need to install the windows version of apcupsd and set it to listen to the network instead of a locally attached cable.


Joe L.

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does APC provide network mangement for their UPS?


I have an old cheap UPS which can shutdown multiple computers over IP (with the UPS software installed on each).


not sure...I have the APC Power Saving Back-UPS ES, 10 outlet, 750VA. So are you suggesting the PC shut down the unRaid server instead of the other way around?

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does APC provide network mangement for their UPS?


I have an old cheap UPS which can shutdown multiple computers over IP (with the UPS software installed on each).


not sure...I have the APC Power Saving Back-UPS ES, 10 outlet, 750VA. So are you suggesting the PC shut down the unRaid server instead of the other way around?

no, not at all, but I guess either could initiate the process.
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Here is the post I remembered: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=1528.msg27123#msg27123


apcupsd installed on the unRAID server, attached to the UPS via the signaling cable and

the window's version of apcupsd installed on the PC listening on the lan to shut itself down if needed.


Looks pretty easy.




Joe...that is awesome. And here I was reading through the APCUPSD online manual. Thanks

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Here is the post I remembered: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=1528.msg27123#msg27123


apcupsd installed on the unRAID server, attached to the UPS via the signaling cable and

the window's version of apcupsd installed on the PC listening on the lan to shut itself down if needed.


Looks pretty easy.




Joe...that is awesome. And here I was reading through the APCUPSD online manual. Thanks

Just remember that for the server to signal other instances of apcupsd the router and switches between them must be powered by a UPS as well.  Otherwise, the alert will be sent but never get to the window's PC.  This is described further on in the thread I linked to.


JOe L.

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thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


I have it running, just finished testing it. It's awesome when things work out.

Did you install apcupsd through unMENU's package manager?  If so, unMENU has install-packages for both the older (3.14.3) version and the newer 3.14.8 version. Which version of apcupsd did you install?


Did you change any of the "configurable settings" to suit your specific needs?


Joe L.

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thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


I have it running, just finished testing it. It's awesome when things work out.

Did you install apcupsd through unMENU's package manager?   If so, unMENU has install-packages for both the older (3.14.3) version and the newer 3.14.8 version. Which version of apcupsd did you install?


Did you change any of the "configurable settings" to suit your specific needs?


Joe L.




I installed 3.14.8 through unMenu. I downloaded winapcupsd-3.14.8.exe from http://www.apcupsd.org. After installing the software on my windows machine, I followed the settings in the link you gave me and all is good!!

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