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Power failure - can't access server


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Looking for some direction, not sure where to go from here. I had a power failure this morning and an uncontrolled shutdown of the server. I've since powered back up and things appear to be running but I can't connect to the server over the network. I can login at the console but can't connect from a workstation and browser. I can ping the server fine and can ping the internet from the server, just can't connect.


Not sure where or how to trouble shoot from here? Help.

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So, the server has been up for about 20 minutes. I left my browser spinning trying to connect and finally received an authentication. I've entered credentials and it's back thinking again. Is there just a ton of stuff going on after the uncontrolled shut down? 

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Figured I'd close the loop on this one but if anyone is ready, would be interested in knowing why it behaved in this way. After a few reboots and nothing I stumbled on the "power down" command. This seems to have resolved the problem and the sever is back up and running.

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