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Weird permissions problem win 7.


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Like the title says, i'm having some weird permissions problems with a new install of win 7.


I'm in the process of moving over from a really old win 7 pc to a slightly less old win 7 pc.  The "newer" pc has a clean install of windows etc etc.


I needed to delete some random junk NZBGet left behind on Unraid.  No problem, browse over to the server, find the folder, junk the files etc.  Works like a charm on my old machine, but for some reason my new one keeps getting a weird "you require permissions from Plexbox/nobody" error (Plexbox is the name of my unraid server).


To make things even more confusing, this same "newer" machine is currently running MCEBuddy which i use to process files located on Plexbox.  As part of the process MCEBuddy deletes the original file and replaces it with a converted version.  It seems to have zero issues deleting files.  

I have gone back and forth between the two pc's to make sure all the network settings(like workgroup name, sharing options etc) are identical, and it looks like they are.  I also seem to have no other issues with any shares on other pc's on my home network.  

I've been at it for a few hours now, and i'm ready to give up.  I know i'm probably missing something simple here, but i can't for the life of me figure out what it is.


At this point, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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i'm still struggling with this.


i tried every suggestion i could find on the forums, but the problem persists.


what makes it even more confusing is that i seem to have no issues with some of the public folders at all.   so basically i have one windows machine that can access all the public folders with full priviliges, and the other that can only do that with about half the folders.  it just makes no sense, and i seem to keep going in circles.


very frustrating.

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