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Corrupt Flash What to do now and in what order?


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Sorry I read a few posts but want to see if I can get clear directions.


I have an Unraid box 6.3.5 that I believe the flash drive is corrupt I have this Error and /boot has nothing.




System is happy as far as NAS and is currently running a scheduled weekly parity check.


What steps should I take before booting this thing and what are my options to get this back into a healthy state?


Thanks again!

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It might be a problem with the actural Flash Drive or the Flash Drive has simply dropped off line.  


Wait until the parity check has completed.  Login again and type  poweroff at the command prompt.  (If that doesn't work, try powerdown.)  Remove the Flash Drive at that point  and run dskchk on the Flash Drive in a Window PC.  (Mac's have similiar command.) If the drive is OK (or fixed), backup the Flash Drive to a folder/directory on your PC.  If it is OK or fixed, Put it back in the server in a USB2 slot.  (USB2  have a black plastic insert, USB3 have a blue insert. The reason for USB2 is that some MB's seem to have a problem with "losing" boot devices in USB3 slots during the boot process.) 

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Thanks @Frank1940


I guess I am more concerned with if its NOT OK or fixed and at that point my system is powered down and I am assuming unable to boot :)

 - I have intolerable children and would like to avoid any unnecessary down time ;)


Can I pull the drive while the system is running to test it instead of powering down?!?!


Should/Could I have a new FlashDrive prepared in someway?

I have a paid for version (6 drives and a cache) and I recall the serial of the drive being tied to the registration and having to transfer?

Maybe it came with a 30 day trial but I don't recall that was so long ago.


If it is dead and I have no backup now what as far as config?


I usually live by the motto of expect the worst and hope for the best!


I tried to search for a basic how to when your flash drive is corrupt and found a few things in the forum but again just want to be prepared so I am not searching the forums while calling a bonds man to get my kid out of jail for attempted murder on his brother >:D


Again many thanks!

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Yes, you could pull the drive.  The basic NAS function only writes to the drive when the system shuts down or you make a change to the configuration settings.  The problem is that is not always true of plugins and Dockers.  However, since it has dropped offline for whatever reason, pulling it should not make things worse.  IF you do pull it be sure to make a backup  of the Flash the FIRST thing you try.  


Do you have a duplicate/backup of your key file?  Do you have the email from LimeTech with the registration information?  LimeTech is very good about replacement keys.  You can contact them if necessary.  See here for more information:




Yes, your data is safe and it is easy to reassign the drives if necessary.  (Let's not be in a hurry to do that at this point.)   Basically what you do is to assign all HD drives as data drives.  IF one of them is unformatted, that is the parity drive.  (If you have a cache drive, hopefully, you can recognize it. If you have a drive mounted using the "Unassigned Devices"  plugin, you would pull it.)  You would then assign the unformatted disk as the Parity drive.  Whatever you do, DON'T format any disk!  If you find more than one unformatted disks, please get advice before proceeding.

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I pulled The USB Flash and popped it into a windows machine and was able to repair and back it up on the windows machine.

It said any jacked up files were put in a folder called "Found" but I saw no "Found" folder so hopefully its good.

I put it back into a USB2 port (it was in a Blue USB3)

I am gonna wait for the parity check to complete and try a reboot.


Thanks again I really appreciate your guidance and assistance.

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