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Single Drive Operations for Maximized unRAID Portability


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Okay. Here's what I've got so far:

I have a 120GB SSD with 2 partitions.

Partition 1: about 30GB for Unraid to use (I have successfully booted into unRAID GUI with this; both from USB and after connecting the drive internally to SATA)

Partition 2: about 90GB XFS partition (used gparted to format this)


Here's what I'm trying to do:

I'm trying to boot AND run a cache only/single disk array (I believe either one will be fine) from the same device (in this case: my 120GB SSD).

The purpose is so I can run dockers and VMs from this single device and so that I can move that single device from computer to computer and have my unRAID setup and dockers and VMs.


The Problem I'm running into:

While I have been able to boot into unRAID successfully without any issues whatsoever, I cannot get it to do anything with the second partition. It looks like unRAID sees it. But I can't get it to show up in the cache or array drop menus. I thought it might be a restriction of the USB enclosure I was using, so I tried booting into unRAID after physically connecting the SSD to the internal SATA ports. It booted successfully, but didn't change my results (which were all the same).


So, what am I missing? Is it something obvious that I just overlooked while searching the forums? Any ideas what I should do from here?


Also, let's assume that I don't care about wear on the SSD. (because, I don't. ;) )


I LOVE what I'm able to do with unRAID, but am left wanting more and I think this will scratch that itch! (...for now)

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