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So I just built my first unRAID box and I want to load it up with my movies.  I've been using a PCH A200 for about a year now, but haven't actively been adding movies to the jukebox because I ran out of space on my PC (hence the unRAID box).  On my PC, I just put everything under a directory called "Movies" and under Movies is a directory per movie (all ripped as BDMV structures).


So my questions are this:


1) I initially thought I should create a share called "Movies" with a split level of 1.  This should spread out the movies directories overall all my disks.  But I have 1 TV show, Band of Brothers.  I don't buy to much TV, so I was thinking I could just rip each episode as a directory under Movies.  Assuming I name the directories correctly, will YAMJ correctly present BoB as a TV show with 10 episodes?


2) What's the best way to move my already ripped movies to the server?  I have the PC and Tower on an Gb switch, but I thought I remember reading somewhere that Windows copies have some overhead.  Would using a FileZilla or another program goes faster?


3) How does everyone deal with disk spin up issues?  I saw the post in this thread on page 6 about softlinking the Movies share into the Jukebox share to only spin up one disk to show the movie wall.  Are people using USB sticks for the jukebox data?  What about when the actual movie file to play is on a disk that needs to be spun up, does YAMJ wait or time out?


Thanks for all the help.

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So I just built my first unRAID box and I want to load it up with my movies.  I've been using a PCH A200 for about a year now, but haven't actively been adding movies to the jukebox because I ran out of space on my PC (hence the unRAID box).  On my PC, I just put everything under a directory called "Movies" and under Movies is a directory per movie (all ripped as BDMV structures).


So my questions are this:


1) I initially thought I should create a share called "Movies" with a split level of 1.  This should spread out the movies directories overall all my disks.  But I have 1 TV show, Band of Brothers.  I don't buy to much TV, so I was thinking I could just rip each episode as a directory under Movies.  Assuming I name the directories correctly, will YAMJ correctly present BoB as a TV show with 10 episodes?


2) What's the best way to move my already ripped movies to the server?  I have the PC and Tower on an Gb switch, but I thought I remember reading somewhere that Windows copies have some overhead.  Would using a FileZilla or another program goes faster?


3) How does everyone deal with disk spin up issues?  I saw the post in this thread on page 6 about softlinking the Movies share into the Jukebox share to only spin up one disk to show the movie wall.  Are people using USB sticks for the jukebox data?  What about when the actual movie file to play is on a disk that needs to be spun up, does YAMJ wait or time out?


Thanks for all the help.


2) the fastest way is to copy with parity disk disabled and then enable it (do not delete your original data until parity build is complete).

3) I have the YAMJ jukebox in the same share as the movies. From experience SMB shares that need to spin up get the POPCORN stuck and needs a power reset. So now I use SMB(windows access) and NFS(POPCORN access) for the Movies share.


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2) the fastest way is to copy with parity disk disabled and then enable it (do not delete your original data until parity build is complete).

3) I have the YAMJ jukebox in the same share as the movies. From experience SMB shares that need to spin up get the POPCORN stuck and needs a power reset. So now I use SMB(windows access) and NFS(POPCORN access) for the Movies share.


I haven't turned on the parity disk yet and I won't be deleting data until I do, thanks.


So you use SMB to copy from your PC to your unRAID and you use NFS to access the unRAID from the PCH?  Does PCH natively support NFS access or do I need to install something?

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I believe only the 100 series get "stuck" waiting for a drive to spin up. The 200 series accommodates this delay better. I have three A-200s, use SMB, and have two YAMJ jukebox folders. One for a SD TV and one for the HD displays. I’ve had this operational for over a year, the A-200 never got stuck. An animated waiting icon appears if a disk needs to spinup to either display a page or play a file.


For Father's Day I'm hoping for a SSD to place the YAMJ files/folders on. There are over 10,000 files, but only a few gig, I tried the USB flash drive and was not happy with the performance. With the SDD I only have to wait if a disk needs to spinup to play a movie. Browsing with YAMJ will be seamless, and I won't need to spinup the index and database drive before and after a movie is played.


I believe I prematurely killed one drive starting and stopping it. Meanwhile, I have the Jukebox drive set to spindown in 3 hours. This guarantees  the HD to be spinning after a movie is played and player returns to browsing. All other disks are at the default 1 hour. Last bit of info, I use Joe's cache_dirs script.




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A SSD in the PCH, or on your unRAID server?  I actually purchased a CF card with the SATA adapter, solely to put my Jukebox on that to prevent any spin up issues on the A-110.  But, the card is still extremely sloowwwww to write to, so I think I'll keep the Jukebox files on my unRAID server (and just use the CF card for the PCH utilities and Linux tools that I've installed).


So does NFS help the delay issues on the 100 series? Or am I screwed on SMB or NFS as long as I have a A-1xx?

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The popcorn hour will natively do both nfs and smb. My jukebox/yamj is via a smb share so I can use symlinks. I also have a nfs share that goes directly to the files.


Cache dirs is running so that stops spinup when just viewing the file list.


I remember reading somewhere that the nfs shares start a little faster than the smb shares when starting up, less delay. The nfs share is also a little faster than the smb but I haven't had an issue with the smb shares and bd.iso.


I use the ssd as part of the array for the jukebox and use symlinks. Just be aware that symlinks can only be seen via smb. I believe that if you wish to use nfs for the jukebox links to the movies you might have to check out the mount command.



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I'm not experiencing the missing CLI mediainfo when it begins to scan. 


My tower-yamj.sh script does "cd /mnt/cache/.yamj" before executing MovieJukebox.sh.  It picks up the ./properties and ./skins folders no problem--and I have mediaInfo location in moviejukebox.properties set to "./mediaInfo" (as it is my default).


If I cd into that directory, I can manually run mediainfo ok--YAMJ just doesn't like it (not sure what exactly it looks for in the Java--executable? certain version? ownership? etc..)


I'll try upgrading it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, well, I think I figured out why MediaInfo wasn't working...


I figured root would always have permissions over folders, but the "mediaInfo" folder was owned by nobody:users, and chmod to 770! So root:root was not able to execute media info like "./mediaInfo/mediainfo" -- I should have assumed that!


But, I got the Debian 5 version to work by placing the binary in /usr/bin and the two libraries in /usr/lib. I linked moviejukebox.properties to that location, and it worked. Also tried setting the location to "/mnt/user/.yamj/mediaInfo" and that didn't work. So finally chmod'd the directory to 777, and, success!

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  • 4 weeks later...

speeding_ant was kind enough to host my mediainfo package, so for anyone who'd like to install this on their unRAID box, just drop this tar file into your /boots/extra directory, and it'll install automatically on boot.




I'll try to set up a .conf file, so that it can be configured via the Package Manager.


Let me know of any issues, and maybe limetech can add this to the first post if he'd like to.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a question for everyone.

Does YAMJ transcode or simply serve media?


The reason I ask is because I want to use this on a HP Micro Server and they simply to do have the grunt to transcode anything over a DVD. So does the UNRAID server transcode the media and push it like PS3 Media Server/Plex etc. or does YAMJ provide the service so the Popcorn hour can pull the files on its self (streaming) and playing them using it's own codecs.


I hope that questions makes sense.

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