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Hello all!  I have YAMJ setup on my server and its running well up to now, but I need advice


As I’ve added more movies, and more drives to my server, I think that its causing the jukebox to be spread across a number of drives which is making my popcorn sometimes time out on launch.  The reason I think this is happening is that the jukebox has to wake up several drives, and this takes a couple of minutes… currently my yamj and jukebox are installed in my movies share however I’d like it to move to my cache drive.  I have an ‘apps’ share in my cache drive where I have sab and sickbeard currently installed.


Can anyone advise how to move my existing setup to my cache drive?  Should I do full uninstall and reinstall?  Can I just move the folders out of my movies share, and paste into the cache drive?


Not sure how to do this, all advice is welcome!


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Hello all!  I have YAMJ setup on my server and its running well up to now, but I need advice


As I’ve added more movies, and more drives to my server, I think that its causing the jukebox to be spread across a number of drives which is making my popcorn sometimes time out on launch.  The reason I think this is happening is that the jukebox has to wake up several drives, and this takes a couple of minutes… currently my yamj and jukebox are installed in my movies share however I’d like it to move to my cache drive.  I have an ‘apps’ share in my cache drive where I have sab and sickbeard currently installed.


Can anyone advise how to move my existing setup to my cache drive?  Should I do full uninstall and reinstall?  Can I just move the folders out of my movies share, and paste into the cache drive?


Not sure how to do this, all advice is welcome!


I have my YAMJ setup to run from my cache drive (located under an "unRAID_Apps" folder - same as your "apps").


Make sure this is not moved by the mover script by disabling the mover are setting the share as cache only.


You can simply move over you YAMJ folder but make sure any refernces/pointers/links to it are also moved to the new location, for example: YAMJ.sh and crontab if you are running it using cron.


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Thanks for the quick reply!  I think that the mover won’t be a problem as I’ve got the apps share set to not be moved.


There’s a couple of other things I’m unsure of;


1. In the past when I’ve tried to move or delete the jukebox folder, I get a permission denied error.  I think its because the files within are created by yamj, not by ‘me’.  Is there a way around this?  is there a way to change the permissions on a folder in a batch way?


2. In terms of where to point yamj to the jukebox I’m going to move I want it like this:

Apps      <-  share

Yamj    <-folder within share, at same level as sab folder, sickbeard folder, etc




How can I set the paths to refer to a folder within a share?  I’m not sure exactly how to do this, as currently my jukebox is in the root of my media share, so everything just points to ‘media’ but now I want it to point to Apps/Yamj. 


Sorry for the newb questions!


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hi there, here's my current files, unaltered.  i'd like to alter path to move to the yamj folder which is in the share named apps


had to add .txt to end of files in order to attach


PS when i try to copy my jukebox, i get error 'you need permission from the computer's administrator to make changes to this folder'


hate to be a pain but anyone able to offer advice?  i can't move my jukebox because of the permission errors, plus i'm not sure how to write my paths in order to point to a folder within a share... i guess i could always just point to the root of the share but that's not really where i want my jukebox

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What skin are you running on your YAMJ?

Only eversion (flash skin for C200/A200 and up) can have the jukebox on a different share than the media itself - unless you define a simlink to it from the share folder.

So if you want to have the jukebox on your cache drive and media in a user share you will have to use eversion which has automatic mounting before playing a movie (POPCORN has a limitation of only one share mounted at a specific time).


Please specify again:

  • Where your media is?
  • Where you want YAMJ application installed?
  • Where you want your jukebox output folder?
  • What POPCORNHOUR you are using?
  • What skin you are using under YAMJ - HTML/FLASH (eversion)?
  • What share do you want/have defined on your PCH device?

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Okay thanks.  here's my specifics


Media is under share called Media (two subfolders, Movies, and TV)

Yamj application has been moved to apps/YAMJ

Jukebox folder in apps/Jukebox

Popcorn hour is A100

skin- not currently using eversion, just using the aeon skin

share on popcorn hour is apps


should mention that i went ahead and moved yamj, jukebox, and index.htm all to the apps share... also added new share on the pch.  of course haven't moved media, still under media


i can access the index screen all well and good, but can't play any files... probably due to the mounting problem you mentioned.  i could undo everything without too much trouble, but then i'm back to my problem of having a jukebox across a bunch of disks and taking too long to spin up


so is a simlink an option?  or anything else?  or just move everything back to my media share?


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Okay thanks.  here's my specifics


Media is under share called Media (two subfolders, Movies, and TV)

Yamj application has been moved to apps/YAMJ

Jukebox folder in apps/Jukebox

Popcorn hour is A100

skin- not currently using eversion, just using the aeon skin

share on popcorn hour is apps


should mention that i went ahead and moved yamj, jukebox, and index.htm all to the apps share... also added new share on the pch.  of course haven't moved media, still under media


i can access the index screen all well and good, but can't play any files... probably due to the mounting problem you mentioned.  i could undo everything without too much trouble, but then i'm back to my problem of having a jukebox across a bunch of disks and taking too long to spin up


so is a simlink an option?  or anything else?  or just move everything back to my media share?


I have a C200 but also a A110.


For the A110 I copied the "index.html" to the Media folder and created a simlink to the Jukebox folder on the cache drive (like you have yours).

The share that should be defined in the PCH is to the media share and not the cache folder "apps".

You can probably also create a simlink directly to the "index.html" file I you don't want to copy it over - it may work (may also need the simplink to jukebox)


So once the PCH is mounted to the media share it will see and load the index file and have a simlink to the rest of the jukebox.



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okay its been a bit of a long night with quite a bit of drama, but think i got things working!!!


the script as written above didn't seem to work for me, but i may have misunderstood.  instead, i made a simlink for both the index file, and the jukebox folder.  this basically created the index and jukebox back into the Media share (where i had them originally however this time i think they are simlinked to the new install which is in my apps share)


so with those two simlinks, i can access the Media share from the pch, and the menu comes up right away, and things play fine!!!


thanks for your help!!!

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edit:  just when i thought i was out, they pulled me back in!!!


okay have a bit of a problem... i guess i had a cron job running daily back when yamj was installed in my media share... now i started a new cron job to run on my apps share... but forgot to 'kill' the original job


what seems to be happening is that both jobs are running and both are putting files and indexes in the same spot in my media share!  one because the was the original setup, and one because its pointing to apps BUT its simlinked to a jukebox and index in media with the exact same location


seems to be causing some problems...


i've been using crontab -l to list the cron jobs, and i see both running, but i can't tell how to kill the unwanted one?  any help?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks.  I was able to retrieve the file.  I followed the instructions to the letter, but for whatever reason it did not work.  The PCH displays YAMJ, but only part of the metadata and cover art is visible.  I'll take a screenshot when I get home to offer more information. 

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So here is my dilema:


I have yamj running on my unraid box. I have about half a dozen popcorn hours throughout the house. Every time someone wants to watch something, if the drives are not spinning, the popcorn hour times out waiting for them to spin up. I either have to manually spin up the drives first or reset the popcorn hour. Not very family (or wife) friendly.


My idea to solve this is to install a small 40gb ssd drive to host my jukebox folder and index file. Is this doable and how would I go about setting it up in unraid?


Thanks. Just looking for someone to point me in the right direction...


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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So here is my dilema:


I have yamj running on my unraid box. I have about half a dozen popcorn hours throughout the house. Every time someone wants to watch something, if the drives are not spinning, the popcorn hour times out waiting for them to spin up. I either have to manually spin up the drives first or reset the popcorn hour. Not very family (or wife) friendly.


My idea to solve this is to install a small 40gb ssd drive to host my jukebox folder and index file. Is this doable and how would I go about setting it up in unraid?


Thanks. Just looking for someone to point me in the right direction...


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


What unRAID version are you using?

What PCHs do you have?

Are you using Eversion (Flash jukebox)?


You can use NFS instead of SMB to solve the timeout problem.


You can place index in internal drive only if you are using Eversion (Flash jukebox) because PCH can only mount I share at a time. There are workarounds for this for HTML jukebox but needs some hacking.


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I am attempting to change my unraid server from a smb share setup to an nfs.  I am attempting to change the My_library.xml to work with this setup.  I cannot seem to get it to work.  I have the nfs share setup and added to the PCH.  Here is  My_library.xml







    <exclude name="YAMJ/, Jukebox/, nmj_database/,"/>








Can you help me make this work?




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hey guys, looking to install yamj tonight with 2 shares Shows, and Movies...


But I see that the initial files are from 2010, do they include the latest version of YAMJ?

I'm looking to use it with Eversion...


If not, are there any step by step guides for newbies to get this to work?

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hey guys, looking to install yamj tonight with 2 shares Shows, and Movies...


But I see that the initial files are from 2010, do they include the latest version of YAMJ?

I'm looking to use it with Eversion...


If not, are there any step by step guides for newbies to get this to work?


Do you have any previous experience with YAMJ and Eversion?


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No, I don't.


Wow I just read the first page of this thread and it is a bit confusing, seems like it assumes that we have some knowledge of how YAMj works.. I don't even know what a "go" script is...


Also, I have 2 shares that I want to be added into one juke jukebox "Movies" and "Shows"


On the NMT forum they said this was possible, I would just need to have it scan two locations...


But the guide in this thread doesn't really say anything how to configure YAMJ from scratch

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