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(solved) ddrescue, how to get?


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I've searched the forums for about an hour now and I give up, sorry for bothering everyone.  I had a handle on it in V5.


Can't find "ddrescue" tool anywhere, closest I came was Nerd tools plugin.


If I don't get any responses, I'll pull the drives and plug them into another computer that runs linux.


Thanks in advance, and sorry for my poor searching skills (this must have been asked before).


Edited by SlowNIC
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Thank you for the suggestion.  Follow up question to the group:

Is this the method that people use to recover data from a failed disk from a broken array?  The drive is readable, but the rebuild parity operation on the array was taking 75 days and making thousands of recoverable errors.  Prior experience tells me that rebuild would fail prior to the 75 day window completing.  Prior experience also tells me that ddrescue would recover most of my data quickly and efficiently.  Dynamix File Integrity plugin that I run on all my XFS drives would then allow me to identify any corrupted files.


How are people recovering from data loss in version 6 without ddrescue?  Or am I asking the question wrong?  Sorry my mind is stuck back in version 5 when this was easy to my old way of thinking.


Edited by SlowNIC
added type of rebuild
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Parity rebuild (reading the disk I am trying to recover) is taking 75 days and produces thousands of recoverable errors on the disk.  I have 6 arrays of 24 disks each, so this does happen to me from time to time.  This is the first time with version 6 and I find myself without one of my most basic tools that I have relied on for years.  I feel like one arm is tied behind my back.  So, I figure I must be doing something different from everyone else to have this problem.  I'm not the first one that needs to recover a disk, right?  So, my version 6 solution now seems to be to remove the drives from the array and find a linux system that has ddrescue.  It is not as nice as my version 5 solution, which was to type ddrescue at the command prompt, but it still can work.


What do other people do?


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Do you have notifications enabled? And set up email and/or mobile agents to receive them?


A rebuild of 75 days means there is something seriously wrong with the disk(s). Notifications are used to warn you in an early stage and prevent lingering problems.


unRAID6 has disk recovery tools built-in the GUI. Start the array in maintenance mode and from the Main page click on the disk which needs to be verified/fixed. Turn on HELP to get more info on the possibilities.


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1 hour ago, SlowNIC said:

Parity rebuild (reading the disk I am trying to recover) is taking 75 days and produces thousands of recoverable errors on the disk.

I'm still not clear on what you are doing and what disk is having errors, whatever it is there's something very wrong, you could post your diagnostics.


1 hour ago, SlowNIC said:

What do other people do?

They replace the failing disk with a new one and let it rebuild, even for large disks it should take less than a day, e.g., my server with 8TB disks takes around 15 hours to do a rebuild.

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I do appreciate the responses.  The array is broken.  What do I mean by broken?  The parity drive is not valid.  How did it become invalid?  The question is not relevant for this thread.  I may start a new thread to address that.


So I have a known data drive with issues and an invalid parity drive.  I've already done the hardware troubleshooting and confirmed that 3 different ways.  The 4th way to confirm it is the smart report that I attached,  below...


So my concise question is, with a broken array, and a data drive with errors, what do people do to recover data?  Up to this point, I thought ddrescue was the only option, yet ddrescue is missing from unraid V6, something that I view as a basic tool for maintaining storage subsystems when other measures fail.


I must be missing something, because I know that people do have the combination of "broken array" plus "drive with errors" happen.  Nobody is denying that this happens, right?


So, do people fire up some virtual machine solution that runs ddrescue?  Do they boot another flash drive that runs ddrescue?  Is there a different utility that efficiently reads and handles errors like ddrescue does?  Some other solution that I am missing?


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It seems your array is in a highly degraded state. I don't know what would be the best approach at this moment.


The key lesson for the future is to be ahead and resolve issues before they turn major. The built-in notifications and repair tools of unRAID6 should cover most (all?) cases and when a disk is beyond repair it needs to be replaced. The earlier this is recognized the greater the chance of success.


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If no backups are available most just copy what they can mounting the disk normally, any file that won't copy because of a read error would be corrupt if copied with ddrescue, others use dd with conv=noerror,sync, still ddrescue is optimized for reading a bad disk and can be a valid solution for some cases, hence why I said it would be a good addition to the nerd tools.

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Thanks again for the replies.


I was aware of the dd with the options.  It is a good suggestion, but it is extremely time consuming as it does not track which blocks it was unable to read.  You have to keep track manually with a script and retry them.  That was why they wrote ddrescue.


I've had this happen before, and using ddrescue, I've been able to recover 99% of my data from a drive in this condition.  Perhaps I lose 3 files.  The file integrity plug in tells me exactly which ones were affected.


I've been doing this for 12 years, but feel free to remind me about lessons anytime if you think next time is the time it will "sink in" :-)

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If you do need ddrescue, although I would encourage you to take the advice of @johnnie.black and @bonienl, then you could install it....


wget http://slackware.cs.utah.edu/pub/slackware/slackware64-14.2/slackware64/ap/ddrescue-1.21-x86_64-1.txz
installpkg ddrescue-1.21-x86_64-1.txz

This installs the version compiled on Slackware 14.2, although Unraid is based on Slackware Current, but I would imagine it will be ok.

Edited by CHBMB
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First pass completed, now I will identify the files that were affected...


root@Tower1:~# ddrescue --force /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD20EARS-00MVWB0_WD-WCAZA5082257-part1 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST33000651NS_Z292V792-part1 /boot/WCAZA5082257.ddrescue
GNU ddrescue 1.21
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
     ipos:  143929 MB, non-trimmed:        0 B,  current rate:   14848 B/s
     opos:  143929 MB, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:  11819 kB/s
non-tried:        0 B,     errsize:    6385 kB,      run time:  1d 23h 39s
  rescued:    2000 GB,      errors:     1016,  remaining time:          0s
percent rescued:  99.99%      time since last successful read:          0s



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It appears that only 13 files were affected out of 705.  There is no way I could recover this data without a ddrescue or a similar tool.  Given the amount of time that unraid V6 has been released, I don't understand why I am the first person to run into this, but I am grateful to the community for their generous support in getting it resolved.


root@Tower1:~# echo -n 'UnRaid 6 with ddrescue ' >~/fill.txt
root@Tower1:~# ddrescue --force --fill=- ~/fill.txt /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST33000651NS_Z292V792-part1 /boot/WCAZA5082257.ddrescue
GNU ddrescue 1.21
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Initial status (read from mapfile)
filled size:           0 B,  filled areas:          0
remaining size:    6385 kB,  remaining areas:    1016
Current status
filled size:    6385 kB,  filled areas:   1016,  current rate:       0 B/s
remain size:        0 B,  remain areas:      0,  average rate:       0 B/s
current pos:  143929 MB,  run time:          0s
root@Tower1:~# xfs_repair /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST33000651NS_Z292V792-part1
xfs_repair /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST33000651NS_Z292V792-part1
Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
Phase 2 - using internal log
        - zero log...
        - scan filesystem freespace and inode maps...
        - found root inode chunk
Phase 3 - for each AG...
        - scan and clear agi unlinked lists...
        - process known inodes and perform inode discovery...
        - agno = 0
        - agno = 1
        - agno = 2
        - agno = 3
        - process newly discovered inodes...
Phase 4 - check for duplicate blocks...
        - setting up duplicate extent list...
        - check for inodes claiming duplicate blocks...
        - agno = 0
        - agno = 1
        - agno = 2
        - agno = 3
Phase 5 - rebuild AG headers and trees...
        - reset superblock...
Phase 6 - check inode connectivity...
        - resetting contents of realtime bitmap and summary inodes
        - traversing filesystem ...
        - traversal finished ...
        - moving disconnected inodes to lost+found ...
Phase 7 - verify and correct link counts...
root@Tower1:~# mkdir /mnt/test
root@Tower1:~# mount /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST33000651NS_Z292V792-part1 /mnt/test -o ro
root@Tower1:~# find /mnt/test -type f -exec grep --binary --quiet 'UnRaid 6 with ddrescue ' {} \; -print


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Any chance of someone writing a reasonably user-friendly guide to using ddrescue with unRAID?  I realize this might be difficult as ddrescue appears to have a rather complex set of options but it might provide a good start for folks with some reasonable OS system background and command line familiarity. I would envision something with the required steps with typical command line examples and an explanation of where the augments came from and what the switches are telling the program to do.  

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  • 3 years later...
On 1/16/2018 at 5:04 PM, Frank1940 said:

Any chance of someone writing a reasonably user-friendly guide to using ddrescue with unRAID?  I realize this might be difficult as ddrescue appears to have a rather complex set of options but it might provide a good start for folks with some reasonable OS system background and command line familiarity. I would envision something with the required steps with typical command line examples and an explanation of where the augments came from and what the switches are telling the program to do.  

I know this is a very old post, but I'm just now having an issue where I need to use ddrestore myself. While looking around, I found THIS PAGE that seems to be helping me.

Hopefully this will help future Googlers.

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