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Provantage has quite a few AOC-SASLP-MV8's in stock


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So... say I was to get a Norco case, and I wanted to hook 8 drives up to one of these... how many breakout cables would I need?


The cable above is for going directly to 4 SATA drives.  So you'd need 2 of the other type to go to your Norco case's connectors.

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So... say I was to get a Norco case, and I wanted to hook 8 drives up to one of these... how many breakout cables would I need?


The cable above is for going directly to 4 SATA drives.  So you'd need 2 of the other type to go to your Norco case's connectors.


Two of these ones?




EDIT - Seems like those are the ones... ordered off of ebiz; Got the card and the two breakout cables for $120 shipped... possibly $3 something back in bing cashback too :P

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