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Broken USB


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Anybody ever had a problem with their usb key being converted to READ-ONLY?


Last week, everything was fine. but now, it's in read-only mode. there is no switch on the key to lock/unlock. I cannot remove the partition. Tried in linux, tried in windows 7, no luck. >:(


Tried a low-level format tool, can't format it.


I wrote limetech if by chance I can get a new key file for my other usb-key. I hope I get it.  :-\

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  • 3 months later...

This just happened to me. Anyone have a fix for this? Even when trying on another linux pc it is mounted read only..

Put it on a window's PC and run scandisk/chkdisk on it.  It probably has some file-system corrupotion and is being mounted as read-only to prevent further damage.
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Happened to me. I could not figure a way out after trying everything...


Personally, I copied the important settings from it (using Linux) and started again by formatting and recreating.


It is working again...


I blame it on some testing I was doing mixed with starting up and shutting down and removing the PenDrive while the system was Running...  :o


Will never do it again...


2 Cents...

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