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Very Slow Clearing Operation (Solved)


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I added 3 four Tb disks to the system. Added them to the array and started the clearing op. The system started going quite fast (100ish mb/sec) but has now slowed down to 2.3 MB/sec. Its saying its going to be done in 17 days...... other operations have not had this level of slowness. I also dont appear to be able to cancel the operation. 


Any help figuring this out would be appreciated. 


So I am not really sure what is happening here. The connections all seem fine. The drive spins up in a different system. I also appear to be able to run a smart short self test from unraid and it says that it completes successfully. When I hover over the X in the array device listing it says "device disabled, contents emulated". I am not sure how this has become disabled or how to reverse it.


You might take a look at the contents of the emulated disk3 before rebuilding to make sure everything looks OK. Even though unRAID has disabled the disk and will not use it, the disk's data is still available from the parity calculation.


unRAID disables a disk when a write to it fails. The failed write is used to update parity though, so the data from the write is still in the parity array. Once unRAID disables a disk it will not use the disk again until it is rebuilt. This is because the disk data is now invalid and out of sync with parity. The disabled disk is emulated by the parity calculation, and its data can be read, and the emulated disk can even be written.


The disk must be rebuilt before your array will be protected again. Parity plus all other disks are required to rebuild a missing or disabled disk, so if another disk were to have a problem, you could lose data. Often even in those cases most data can be recovered unless more than one disk is actually dead.


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