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Unraid in uhmmm ... Unraid ?


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10 minutes ago, Siwat2545 said:

I have a question Can I run another unraid instance in an existing unraid server as a vm but on another VLAN


I don't see any reason why not.  You can certainly run and Unraid VM in Unraid, you do need a license for each, but it's possible....


Can't speak to the VLAN bit, never tried it.


Running an Unraid VM is pretty straightforward nowadays, @gridrunner has done a wonderful video here.

Compared to how difficult it used to be, it's much easier now.  It used to be a real ballache.....

17 minutes ago, ljm42 said:

Actually that video is a bit out of date, it is even easier now:



Note that running unRAID in a VM is not officially supported by Limetech


Thanks! That looks better. Didn't realize there was an option to change the expected volume name. Assuming no problem just leaving the second key in the server all the time.


As long as your BIOS correctly boots from your baremetal USB, there's no problem, my old motherboard it could be a bit of a crap shoot as to which stick it decided to use.....


Yep, I leave my second key in all the time. There is no conflict when starting/stopping the array.


As @CHBMB says, the biggest issue is making sure your host boots off the proper drive. This is covered the guide too 


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