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Cannot Delete Files from Cache


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I have some files on my cache drive that I am unable to delete. I have tried deleting them through SMB and Krusader and neither can actually remove them from the drive. My cache is currently full so I need to remove them from the drive to free up some space. I followed Spaceinvaderone's video on creating a root share through SMB. That worked to an extent but I have to run the new permissions tool every time there is a new file and since I have been doing that I cannot delete these files from my cache. Any ideas?


I was able to delete the files through the Unraid Terminal using the rm -r command on the suspect folders but my permissions I believe are still a mess. Any way to get those straightened out?


In reading the forums for the past few years, these permission problems are usually the result of Plugins or Dockers apps not being properly configured.  You should probably look at these files and see if you can figure out what is creating them.   Once you know that, fixing them may be an easy task that you can figure out.  If that is not the case, try the support thread  for the app(s) and post there asking for help.  


Thanks Frank, I ended up completely wiping my cache drive and setting it up as xfs instead of btrfs and restoring my apps from a backup. Things are working a lot better now from the docker app standpoint but from a windows SMB share view I still have to finagle things a lot to be able to move/delete files. I have even created a new unraid user that matches my PC username and password and am still having issues. Any ideas how I can correct this without having to go to tools and use the new permissions tool all the time?


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