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SABnzb and Unraid


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Hopefully you guys can help me out.  I have a strange little set up.  I have SABnzbd running on my mac mini and writing to shares on an unRaid NAS.  I've suddenly started having problems with my downloads.  All the downloads say 'failed - Out of server retention'.  However the error log seems to indicate that the problem has something to do with writing to the shares.  I can connect and write to the shares from the mini with no problem.  SABnzbd's configuration tab accepts the shares.  If I write directly to the mac mini everything is fine but this kind of defeats the purpose of building the damn server.  I know other people are running SABnzbd on their unRaid machine, which I can do but I'd rather fix this error.  Thanks for the help.

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Have you checked the SABnzb forums about this?  A quick Google search turns up information about paths and file names that may be too long.


How long is the path/file name you are trying to create?  If it's long, try shortening the path and/or file names so they aren't crazy long.  Different operating systems have different rules when accessing and creating files.  As a test, make your path and file name as simple and as short as possible and see if that works.

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Out of server retention - sounds like what you're trying to download isn't on your newsgroup account anymore or something? News groups only retain files for x days and it depends on the server and the grade of service you are paying for....

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  • 1 month later...

Hopefully you guys can help me out.  I have a strange little set up.  I have SABnzbd running on my mac mini and writing to shares on an unRaid NAS.  I've suddenly started having problems with my downloads.  All the downloads say 'failed - Out of server retention'.  However the error log seems to indicate that the problem has something to do with writing to the shares.  I can connect and write to the shares from the mini with no problem.  SABnzbd's configuration tab accepts the shares.  If I write directly to the mac mini everything is fine but this kind of defeats the purpose of building the damn server.  I know other people are running SABnzbd on their unRaid machine, which I can do but I'd rather fix this error.  Thanks for the help.


I'd get sabnzbd running on your server. It's a cakewalk once it's there. Set it and forget it.


Is it possible that your mac mini bombs out while it waits for unraid to spin up disks?

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