Windows 10 - clone and use as VM?

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I found something PRETTY COOL.


This tool let you make images while you in windows, its free and it can run via cmd.


So i guess, i could write a batch file which i run on every shutdown (or every X min) to create a image.

        C:\> SNAPSHOT C:   X:\C-Drive.sna




How do i get it in the VM? (sadly, its not .img)


I would need to shutdown the VM automatic (how?)


Then i need to boot something like DOS (or a docker????) [i found which is a DOS in a docker]  which imports the image and then starts Windows 10 VM.


Has anyone any idea how to do this?


1.) How can i automatic disable/enable a VM?

2.) can dos mount the image and then do the incr restore?!

Edited by nuhll
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I thought about this, i think its possible with user scripts plugin...


1. Shutdown Windows 10, let a task run which does a incre. backup and send it to //unraidserver/Windows 10 VM/

        C:\> SNAPSHOT C:   X:\C-Drive.sna


2. script turns off Windows 10 VM

-Need to write script via user script plugin which detects when a new backup is there (maybe check every 5 min?)

-Then stops Windows 10 VM

3. script startet DOS (z.B.), öffnet Windows 10 VM image, spielt image ein

-user script starting e.g. DOS, mount .img (Windows 10 VM Image) and uses drive snapshot to restore the backup created in 1.)

4. script startet windows 10 VM

- user script plugin needs to start Windows 10 VM (and maybe delete old backup - not sure by now)

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