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[Support] binhex - Krusader

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well, since that was the only config folder I could find inside of the kde directory, I did this:

root@unRAID:/mnt/cache/appdata/kde# chown -R nobody:users /mnt/cache/appdata/kde/share/config

root@unRAID:/mnt/cache/appdata/kde# chown 755 -R /mnt/cache/appdata/kde/share/config

then I stopped Krusader and started it again...upon starting (it seemed to think that was the first time I started it, looking for associated apps again), it again alerted me about not being able to save bookmarks in /home/nobody/.local/share/user-places.xbel

what did I miss or do incorrectly?

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try this command:


ls -al /mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-krusader/krusader

I have the latest version of Installed and I came from the 'old' version.  If that directory does not exist something must be awry in your install.  Make sure that you can create a file in the /mnt/cache/appdata  directory.  Along the path to this directory make sure that that the directory owners/users are nobody:users


The only other thing I can think of.  Did you install a cache drive since you first installed crusader?  The reason that I ask this is that in the back of my mind, I seem to recall that making a share 'cache only' will cause the share to be removed from the array entirely.  


This is what My settings look like.  Notice the AppData Config Path variable ---- Do you have this? 




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9 minutes ago, tillkrueger said:

the krusader folder that I have is inside appdata, not inside binhex-krusader.

My settings look like this:



looking at your screenshot you should be running chmod and chown against /mnt/cache/appdata/kde im assuming each application has its own config folder right?,  thats how it should be.

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krusader is the only app I have installed, at the moment.

inside the kde folder there is no config folder...is that where it should be? the only config folder I could find is appdata/share/config, but that can't be right...

let me try this again.

so I did:

root@unRAID:/mnt/cache/appdata# chown -R nobody:users /mnt/cache/appdata/kde

root@unRAID:/mnt/cache/appdata# chmod 755 -R /mnt/cache/appdata/kde

restarted Krusader...

but when I open the WebUI it again acts like it's the first time and warns me of the Bookmarks not being able to be written.

I am sorry that I require so much help on getting this to run properly, and now I have to run for a meeting that I am a little late for...will check in again when I get back and thanks so much for all your help so far!

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17 hours ago, tillkrueger said:

krusader is the only app I have installed, at the moment.

inside the kde folder there is no config folder...is that where it should be? the only config folder I could find is appdata/share/config, but that can't be right...

let me try this again.

so I did:

root@unRAID:/mnt/cache/appdata# chown -R nobody:users /mnt/cache/appdata/kde

root@unRAID:/mnt/cache/appdata# chmod 755 -R /mnt/cache/appdata/kde

restarted Krusader...

but when I open the WebUI it again acts like it's the first time and warns me of the Bookmarks not being able to be written.

I am sorry that I require so much help on getting this to run properly, and now I have to run for a meeting that I am a little late for...will check in again when I get back and thanks so much for all your help so far!


ok lets try the following, i want to see the permissions are set correctly:-

ls -al -R /mnt/cache/appdata/kde

please post the output of that command here, also please attach the latest supervisord.log file.

Edited by binhex
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thank you...here is the output and the log file:

root@unRAID:~# ls -al /mnt/cache/appdata/kde

total 76

drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users   220 Jul 24 11:50 ./

drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   268 Jul 24 12:08 ../

-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users  8196 Jul 24 11:50 .DS_Store*

-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users  4096 Jul 24 11:50 ._.DS_Store*

lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    24 Jan 12  2018 cache-36ce81a7a6d7 -> /var/tmp/kdecache-nobody

drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users    20 Jul 24 17:01 krusader/

-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users   162 Jul 23 19:09 perms.txt*

drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users    68 Jul 24 11:50 share/

lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    19 Jan 12  2018 socket-36ce81a7a6d7 -> /tmp/ksocket-nobody

-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 41047 Jul 24 18:42 supervisord.log*

lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    15 Jan 12  2018 tmp-36ce81a7a6d7 -> /tmp/kde-nobody


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37 minutes ago, tillkrueger said:

where is the config folder *supposed* to be, and at which point should it have been created in that place?

Krusader starts up every time like it was never run before, so my settings always revert back to defaults...probably because it can't put its settings anywhere, right?


ok so that log file looks cleaner now, no signs of any permissions issues, if you now look in the following location do you see files/folders? :-



if so then it is now correctly writing settings out, make a small change to something in krusader and then restart the container, you should now NOT receive the message telling its first run and the change you made should be persistent.


btw you have a lot of crud in that folder that shouldn't be there:-


-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users  8196 Jul 24 11:50 .DS_Store*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users  4096 Jul 24 11:50 ._.DS_Store*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    24 Jan 12  2018 cache-36ce81a7a6d7 -> /var/tmp/kdecache-nobody
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    19 Jan 12  2018 socket-36ce81a7a6d7 -> /tmp/ksocket-nobody
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    15 Jan 12  2018 tmp-36ce81a7a6d7 -> /tmp/kde-nobody

so all of the above should be deleted from /mnt/cache/appdata/kde/

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34 minutes ago, tillkrueger said:

the settings changes I made (colors) made it through a restart of the container, but I still get the warning that bookmarks cannot be saved ?


ok thats progress, so bookmarks should be stored in:- 



do you see the folder .local and does it contain any files?.

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2 minutes ago, tillkrueger said:

no, I do not

only .config and tmp folders


ok so the directory that contains the bookmarks doesn't exist, not sure why as i do checks for the existence of the softlink, so ive now removed the check and it will force a softlink on every start this should fix the issue for you, new build should be available in the next 30 mins or so, keep hitting the check for updates button ?

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1 minute ago, tillkrueger said:

dang, that was fast!

updated, and BINGO, jumped right into the UI without any errors and with my custom color settings retained.
brilliant, just brilliant

thanks so much binhex


excellent, thanks for confirming it works.

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@binhexDid the update on my Server and no problems.  While you are online, are you aware of this:




Apparently, Chrome beginning with version 68 (releasing today) is going to be marking all websites that aren't using https as insecure. Any idea of what this will mean for things like Krusader which use an insecure browser window to run in?  

Edited by Frank1940
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1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

Apparently, Chrome beginning with version 68 (releasing today) is going to be marking all websites that aren't using https as insecure. Any idea of what this will mean for things like Krusader which use an insecure browser window to run in?  


decided to be a guinea pig *squeak squeak* and upgraded chrome, now running 68 and can still access krusader via novnc html with no obvious problems, yay.

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something entirely different and mundane:

being a stickler for details and also a UI designer, would it be much trouble to include the background color of the column header and footer (which is now that garish blue) in the color settings? I would love to keep it all in monochrome tones...it's such a good-looking file-manger already, and that would make it perfect (in my beady eyes, anyway).

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1 hour ago, tillkrueger said:

something entirely different and mundane:

being a stickler for details and also a UI designer, would it be much trouble to include the background color of the column header and footer (which is now that garish blue) in the color settings? I would love to keep it all in monochrome tones...it's such a good-looking file-manger already, and that would make it perfect (in my beady eyes, anyway).


you should be able to tweak pretty much anything you can see and it should persist.

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