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Device Disabled after accidental Power unplug


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Hey guys, so the situation is after I accidentally knocked the SATA power connection directly off one of my drives it went "device is disabled, contents emulated*. I powered down the server and reconnected the power and rebooted with it still giving me that it is disabled. Is it as easy as *re-enabling* it? And how do I do it?

Or do I have to rebuild, and how do I get it to start that?



Thanks for any and all help.


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after some more googling, found this on the wiki page. Would this seem like my best option?

For unRAID v6

These instructions assume you are using unRAID v6
Sometimes, in some situations, you can get away without having to do a New Config (which requires reentering ALL drives). It may not work in all unRAID versions, and it clearly doesn't work in all situations. It often does work however, if all you have done is reassign drives, or swapped drive assignments. It may not work if you have empty slots within your array assignments. That is, drive assignments should be contiguous (e.g. 3 drives should be 1,2,3; not 1,3,4 or 1,2,9).
So how do you know if it will work for you? Just try starting the array! If it works, you're done! There's nothing more to do (although a full parity check is a very good idea, to ensure that parity really is good, for every parity bit). If however the array refuses to start, shows an error instead, use the following procedure.
This procedure starts by removing all drive assignments. You will then need to reenter all of them from your notes, making any changes you desire.
  1. Take a screenshot of your current array assignments, or make good notes of them
  2. Stop the array (if it is started)
  3. Go to and click
  4. Reassign all disks using your notes or screen shot
  5. Double check that your Parity disk is assigned correctly!
  6. Click the check box "Parity is already valid" (make sure it is checked)
  7. Start the array
  8. Done!
  9. It is strongly recommended to do a parity check now, to make sure parity is fine
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