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Suddenly unraid will not start anymore


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I am normally a quiet user - which means I have unraid set up and running and everything is working without a flaw. However now out of a sudden the unraid system will not start anymore. The usb drive will not even light anymore during booting process (which it normally does) and the screen I attached does not even show the boot screen of the ASROCK board anymore. The thumb drive is recognised on my normal PC and I can access the files on it. (Just upgraded to 6.5.3). The hard drives will spin up, but nothing else seems to be working. 


As my only guess is that the motherboard died and I have to replace it. Before I do that I want to be sure that I did everything necessary / possible and not waste money while not needed. 

I appreciate every help and hint I can get. 

My system is still running on an Asrock 780 mainboard with AMD Athlon which I bought more than eight years ago. And as unraid for me is doing NAS services and some dockers (no big VMs or something), I would like to keep it to a minimum. 

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41 minutes ago, Squid said:
1 hour ago, schark said:

screen I attached

You forgot that...

ROFL!  Methinks you read too fast, or something. That would be quite a trick for the OP to connect the monitor he used to his forum post!


@schark, try disconnecting everything from the motherboard except for power, power button, cpu and speaker if the board doesn't have a piezo beeper. With the memory removed, you should get error code beeps. If you do, try putting the memory back in, connect the screen and see if you get a different response. Dead CMOS battery can cause issues, but shouldn't keep it from talking to you about the error, either through beep codes or on the monitor.

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So, I spend some time today in the basement. I followed the advice and disconnected all hard drives, network adapter and everything. I also took out the RAM. Then I started the computer and I heard three equally long beeps. Then a pause and then again three beeps. Looking at the manual this is the translation for missing RAM. So far so good. 


So I installed the RAM again and started again. And hell yeah, the thumb drive was blinking and there was boot screen on the picture. I plugged in all hard drives again and tried a new boot sequence. Unfortunately this was a one timer. No picture on the screen and no blinking usb drive. 


I exchanged the BIOS battery for another one (which I still had at home) and I also exchanged the Athlon for an old Sempron 64 which I was using before. I started the computer and it was booting again. Starting screen appears and is fine. This time I started the computer several times (think six or seven times). Each time it started properly. 


Then I hooked up all seven hard drives and then boot sequence failed again. No boot screen, and usb-drive not blinking. 


So am confused again. So either RAM or power supply, right?

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1 hour ago, schark said:

Each time it started properly. 


Then I hooked up all seven hard drives and then boot sequence failed again. No boot screen, and usb-drive not blinking. 

PSU, or one of the hard drives, or wiring.

Try hooking up just one hard drive.

Do you have a spare PSU you can temporarily test with?

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Indeed I have still a Corsair PSU lying around which I wanted to sell on eBay (but no one wanted it to buy). And with that CX-500 PSU and the old Sempron the system is starting just like normal and the parity check is running right now. 


So, I will buy a new CPU and install this PSU permanently. I keep my fingers crossed that this will be sufficient for the next time


@Frank1940 I did already check all capacitors on the MB, but they all look fine. 


So, I beside I have to buy a CPU am really happy that no drive was lost and all data seems to be available!


Thank you for the help!

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