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Mac auto file transfer options


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Not to sure of this possible, but what I would like is an archiving system that will automatically copy the contents of one folder to the unRAID, preserving the same file structure as is on my Mac,




Also when I delete a file on the Mac it does not delete it on the unRAID. 


The idea behind this is that I want to use it with my photos and Lightroom, so that I can edit the photos etc on the macs internal SSD etc, then when space is low/project is over I can delete them off the SSD, but if I need the files again point Lightroom at the unRAID folder for them to come up in the catalog. 


Hope this makes sense, there is another back up system running so just for mass storage.

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On 7/14/2018 at 8:31 PM, 1812 said:

I believe you can use duplicati, syncthing, or next cloud to do this, setting up 1 way sync and specifying to not delete any files.

Thanks are they mac apps or dockers on the server? i am pretty new to all this


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1 hour ago, Blizzard said:

Thanks are they mac apps or dockers on the server? i am pretty new to all this



dockers on the server (but some have Mac apps.) If run from the server, I believe you would need to have a share on the Mac with the files available on the network, mount that via unassigned devices on the server, then map the pathway to the docker, along with mapping the path to the storage on the server. The rest is fiddling with the scheduling and config.


or conversely, use the Mac version and just mount the folder from the server on the Mac and handle it that way (duplicati has a Mac app, others may as well)

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The above solutions seem like they might work, but I'd suggest just using rsync. As OS X is simply an iteration of BSD it should be relatively simple to implement.

What I'd do if I had this requirement, is make a share on unRAID, called Photos for example. Then you can make a cron job (I'm not at my Mac right now) but you should be able to find out about this easily enough, and just mount and rsync the share with your local files.

You could also do this by mounting a mac share and rsyncing from the server but I'd do it the other way.

I can certainly provide clear detailed instructions on how to achieve this if interested.


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