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Home hosting solution


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Hi folks,


I'm appealing to your knowledge again, if I may.


My work emails and my personal emails are completely separate. However, due to certain restrains, if I need to get home some documents I can't just email them, I need to get them onto a secure stick. That's because the email server is not my own and the organization doesn't want the risk of someone else possibly accessing them.


My personal email is sitting for free on Gmail, as [email protected], hacked through Mailgun relay.


Some years ago, for about 3 years, I ran an Axigen email server from my garage and worked wonders. Security updates and spam were in control. I got bored of the interface and switched to different providers until I ended up on Google's domain (again).


I know unRaid was not meant to be exposed to internet, but if I setup an Ubuntu/Centos VM or similar to expose it, how secure do you think it will be? I was thinking to have it behind a SSL (letsencrypt) + Cloudflare and a fail2ban for more security.


The emails will be received through a reverse DNS and outgoing will be through Mailgun or similar for spam proofing (as they are now, score 10/10).


Any ideas if could work or am I barking the wrong tree and I should drop it?


Security will be an issue with updates every day.



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