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Parity Drive Disabled...whats going on?


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Power down, check connections power and SATA on parity disk. The diagnostics you posted don't have any SMART for parity probably because it is disconnected in some way. After fixing connections, hopefully new diagnostics will have SMART for parity and we can decide if the disk is OK for rebuilding.

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Thanks for your help everyone!


I stopped the system, unassigned the parity drive, started the system, stopped the system and was right about to reassign the parity for a rebuild when....


it went nuts..the drive was seen by unassigned devices but was not coming up in the dropdown menu to reassign parity...so I rebooted.  After the reboot, the system saw the parity drive but not my first data disk...


I tried another reboot and eventually got the parity drive and data drive back assigned in its proper place...started the rebuild and then the parity drive immediately had write errors and was disabled...


Are the reported SAS2LP instabilities this bad? Do I have another issue on my hands? Is an LSI controller the recommended buy currently? 

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also one thing I dont remember doing is checking the FW version of the sas2lp and donwgrading/disabling INT13...is this info from 2011 still valid? or maybe I should just go with an LSI? I know I need an HBA because most if not all of my sata ports on my board are Marvell...motherboard is an ASRock - Z77 Pro3...


Im not opposed to taking this opportunity to upgrade my whole system... https://www.reddit.com/r/JDM_WAAAT/comments/8zgkfj/server_build_nas_killer_v_20_the_terminator_dual/ this build is interesting...its got an LSI controller built in... 


Any thoughts/opinions? Is the INT13 something that will definitely cause issues? If so I will take the time to downgrade fw if necessary and disable INT13.  If no, I may just swap to an LSI controller...


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Bad news, I bought the h310, flashed it to IT mode,  installed the card, rebuilt my array, and did a parity check... all looked good for about a day until I saw my parity drive is disabled again this afternoon... attached are my logs... can anyone take a look? My next idea is my power supply... there was one time in the past where I wasnt able to rebuild my parity after a failure and was finally able to after I used a molex splitter to power my 8tb red i am using for parity... maybe I should look into another psu that is a more trusted brand than xigmatek? I thought itd be okay since its at least 80 plus bronze and single 12v raail rated for 36A...what am i missing?



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