How do I update CA certificates? TrustFailure errors...

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Would anyone be able to give me guidance on how to update missing/outdated CA certificates? I'm getting TrustFailure errors in Jackett, Radarr, Sonarr and Headphones.


I've tried wget -O - | cert-sync


But I'm a bit unsure what directory to update. I've run a search and found: 


root@NAS:~# find / -name cert-sync


What would my update command look like? Apologies, I'm new to this. Hopefully, itresolves my Docker issues. 

If not, other people have suggested installing Mono? 

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12 hours ago, mcjfauser said:

Would anyone be able to give me guidance on how to update missing/outdated CA certificates? I'm getting TrustFailure errors in Jackett, Radarr, Sonarr and Headphones.



You would have to run it from inside the docker container. So something like

docker exec -it <nameofcontainer> /usr/bin/cert-sync

But are you sure that there is no updates for your images ? 

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12 hours ago, Ignitenz said:

What are the errors you're getting in your dockers? Paste the logs.

Thank you in advance!

For example:



Unable to connect to indexer: Torznab error detected: Exception (eztv): Ssl error:1000007d:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED
  at /build/mono/src/mono/external/boringssl/ssl/handshake_client.c:1132
NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Torznab.TorznabException: Torznab error detected: Exception (eztv): Ssl error:1000007d:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED
  at /build/mono/src/mono/external/boringssl/ssl/handshake_client.c:1132
  at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Torznab.TorznabRssParser.PreProcess (NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.IndexerResponse indexerResponse) [0x000ca] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.RssParser.ParseResponse (NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.IndexerResponse indexerResponse) [0x0000d] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.HttpIndexerBase`1[TSettings].FetchPage (NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.IndexerRequest request, NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.IParseIndexerResponse parser) [0x00050] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.HttpIndexerBase`1[TSettings].TestConnection () [0x00024] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0


[yts] An error occurred while sending the request: Error: TrustFailure (One or more errors occurred.) (Config) in Binhex-Jackett



Unable to connect to remote host because of a SSL error. It is likely that your system cannot verify the validityof the certificate. The remote certificate is either self-signed, or the remote server uses SNI. See the wiki for more information on this topic.


6 hours ago, sarbian said:


You would have to run it from inside the docker container. So something like

docker exec -it <nameofcontainer> /usr/bin/cert-sync

But are you sure that there is no updates for your images ? 

Thank you for the response.

So it would be as its named in my volume mapping? For example:


docker exec -it binhex-jackett /usr/bin/cert-syn 


There are no updates available, unfortunately.



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