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Sound Issues After Switch to Q35


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Ok so I think I might be going crazy.  I decided to switch my Windows 10 VM to Q35 3.0 from i440fx (for no other reason than I thought it would be cool to get the full PCIE support for GPU passthrough).  Everything went fine and it reinstalled all my hardware controllers.  GPU is fine.  I also have a PCIE Sound Blaster Audigy card that I pass through to the VM to use with my regular old green plug 2.1 speakers.  Well I swear ever since I made this switch, the balance of the speakers if off even though in Windows it's till even.  The right side is louder and clearer than the left side.  I had to go into the sound blaster control panel and set right to 80% and left to 100% to equalize it.


Is my hearing going bad or is there some quirk here that maybe someone has heard of before?  I also tried the MSIUtil to set interrupt for the sound card but it doesn't seem to make any difference on or off.


Feel free to tell me I'm nuts... lol

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  • 1 month later...

If anyone wants to have a good laugh, yes I'm nuts.  So funny coincidence... one of the drivers on the left speaker crapped out so of course left sounded quieter than right since only 50% was making sound.  Took me a while to figure it out cause it was still making sound, just not loud.


Anyway, new Bose desktop speakers and I'm back in business :)

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