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Deleted files show up as ghost files


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I am running unraid 6.5.3, I have a huge library of movies. So what I did is renaming them and moving them to different shares. all this is being done through windows. 


The problem is, the old names of the files still show up but I cannot play them, because I have already renamed and moved the files to different shares! yet they still show up in the old share with the old names but obviously cannot be played 


I really don't know how to explain this. Please help me out here. 


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59 minutes ago, livingonline8 said:

I really don't know how to explain this.

And we really don't know how to understand it. Maybe if you could break it down into exactly what you did and how, maybe with some screenshots.


How did you move them? How are you trying to play them? Show us where they are in their new location, and where you are still seeing them in their old location.



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Could it be that something was still accessing the files while your moving them?


This has happened to me before when some files just refused to be deleted after being moved because they were locked by something. I had to sudo to delete them. I don't think it was a permission problem because these were all 777.

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