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I installed Unraid-Web and with it Ajaxplorer. Now I like the fact that you can browse your files through Ajaxplorer through the internet, but it seems meaningless that it uses the same port as Unraid-web, which leaves administration of the unRAID server open to anyone who access port 89.

My question is: Can you change the port you access Ajaxplorer on, so it doesn't use the same port as Unraid-Web?

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I installed Unraid-Web and with it Ajaxplorer. Now I like the fact that you can browse your files through Ajaxplorer through the internet, but it seems meaningless that it uses the same port as Unraid-web, which leaves administration of the unRAID server open to anyone who access port 89.

My question is: Can you change the port you access Ajaxplorer on, so it doesn't use the same port as Unraid-Web?

Short answer, yes, it can be done...


Longer answer, probably will never occur unless some interested person modifies the lighttpd config to put it elsewhere. BubbaQ's focus is on unRAID 5.0, and it has a basic file-browser built in. 


Even longer answer... If you are accessing the unRAID server through the internet, and not through a VPN or secure link, you have other worries.  unRAID is not secure... not even close...


Joe L.

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Even longer answer... If you are accessing the unRAID server through the internet, and not through a VPN or secure link, you have other worries.  unRAID is not secure... not even close...


Joe L.


Joe, that's exactly why I asked Tom to add the tun driver and bridge support on the kernel, maybe you can talk to him, since you're an old and respected member of this community. That way, we can make an OpenVPN addon.

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