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How to create tgz installation


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I'm having some troubles here.

I'm using Romirs sabnzbddependencies package, but i need to add libtbb.so and libtbb.so.2 to the package.

What I did, was extract the tgz file add the 2 files and created a .tar file from the folder. Changed the ending of the file from .tar to .tgz and copied it to my package folder in unraid flash.

When I run "installpkg /boot/packages/sabdependencies-2.0.tgz" command I  get the following

"WARNING:  Package has not been created with 'makepkg'"

I cannot install sabnzbd afterwards, so it seems that the sabdependencies have not been installed.


Do any of you have any idea what i'm doing wrong and how you create a .tgz file that unraid can install.


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You use the 'makepkg' command. It's a part of the 5.0 beta 2 series.  ;D


However, in your case, I think you can append to the existing .tgz file with the staged directory of the additional libs. I think you can do the following:


mkdir -p /tmp/pkg-tmp/usr/lib
cp /usr/lib/libtbb.so /usr/lib/libtbb.so.2 /tmp/pkg-tmp/usr/lib
cd /tmp/pkg-tmp
tar -A /boot/packages/SABnzbdDependencies-2.0-i486-unRAID.tgz usr/


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