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Guide: How To Use Rclone To Mount Cloud Drives And Play Files


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Hi guys


i might be 90 pages late on this.

can someone give pointers on what i should configure the script in the following scenario :

have /mnt/user/Movies and mnt/user/Series which still contain files (and will be for the forseeable future)

i also have /mnt/disks/google/Movies and /mnt/disks/google/Series  (rclone mount) which contains a portion of my data which i loaded the last year.

using a variation of the upload script to copy from /mnt/user/Series currently , where i will then selectively delete data on the local share once i am happy full series has been copied over.

Plex obviously has both folders added (so some series might show two copies of an episode, but that doesn't affect usage)

Sonarr is linked to the local folder only.



How to move to a mergerfs solution?


will i need to create a usershare called "local" and move both my movies and Series into that? or is there a way to use my current folder structure(preferred)?


I have a feeling the answer is very simple, but looking through the script i just cant seem t


thx team!




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On 11/23/2020 at 4:24 PM, Bolagnaise said:

If you remember i moved from the old script so my local is my rclone_upload folder. Heres my current script for reference.




#### Mount Script ####

#### Mount Script ####
## Version ##


# 1. Change the name of the rclone remote and shares to match your setup
# 2. NOTE: enter RcloneRemoteName WITHOUT ':'
# 3. Optional: include custom command and bind mount settings
# 4. Optional: include extra folders in mergerfs mount

RcloneRemoteName="gdrive_vfs" # Name of rclone remote mount WITHOUT ':'. NOTE: Choose your encrypted remote for sensitive data
RcloneMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_rclone" # where your rclone remote will be located without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_rclone
RcloneMountDirCacheTime="720h" # rclone dir cache time
LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/rclone_upload" # location of the local files and MountFolders you want to upload without trailing slash to rclone e.g. /mnt/user/local. Enter 'ignore' to disable
RcloneCacheShare="/mnt/user/mount_rclone" # location of rclone cache files without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user0/mount_rclone
RcloneCacheMaxSize="400G" # Maximum size of rclone cache
RcloneCacheMaxAge="336h" # Maximum age of cache files
MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_unionfs" # location without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable
DockerStart="plex sonarr sonarr4K radarr radarr4K" # list of dockers, separated by space, to start once mergerfs mount verified. Remember to disable AUTOSTART for dockers added in docker settings page
MountFolders=\ {"downloads/completed,downloads/intermediate,downloads/seeds,Movies,TV Shows,4KMovies,4kTVShows"\} # comma separated list of folders to create within the mount

# Note: Again - remember to NOT use ':' in your remote name above


# Add extra paths to mergerfs mount in addition to LocalFilesShare
LocalFilesShare2="ignore" # without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/other__remote_mount/or_other_local_folder.  Enter 'ignore' to disable

# Add extra commands or filters

CreateBindMount="N" # Y/N. Choose whether to bind traffic to a particular network adapter
RCloneMountIP="" # My unraid IP is so I create another similar IP address
NetworkAdapter="eth0" # choose your network adapter. eth0 recommended
VirtualIPNumber="2" # creates eth0:x e.g. eth0:1.  I create a unique virtual IP addresses for each mount & upload so I can monitor and traffic shape for each of them

####### END SETTINGS #######


####### Preparing mount location variables #######
RcloneMountLocation="$RcloneMountShare/$RcloneRemoteName" # Location for rclone mount
LocalFilesLocation="$LocalFilesShare/$RcloneRemoteName" # Location for local files to be merged with rclone mount
MergerFSMountLocation="$MergerfsMountShare/$RcloneRemoteName" # Rclone data folder location

####### create directories for rclone mount and mergerfs mounts #######
mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName # for script files
mkdir -p $RcloneCacheShare/cache/$RcloneRemoteName # for cache files
if [[  $LocalFilesShare == 'ignore' ]]; then
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Not creating local folders as requested."
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Creating local folders."
    eval mkdir -p $LocalFilesLocation/"$MountFolders"
mkdir -p $RcloneMountLocation

if [[  $MergerfsMountShare == 'ignore' ]]; then
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Not creating MergerFS folders as requested."
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Creating MergerFS folders."
    mkdir -p $MergerFSMountLocation

#######  Check if script is already running  #######
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *** Starting mount of remote ${RcloneRemoteName}"
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Checking if this script is already running."
if [[ -f "/mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName/mount_running" ]]; then
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Exiting script as already running."
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Script not running - proceeding."
    touch /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName/mount_running

####### Checking have connectivity #######

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *** Checking if online"
ping -q -c2 google.com > /dev/null # -q quiet, -c number of pings to perform
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # ping returns exit status 0 if successful
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") PASSED: *** Internet online"
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") FAIL: *** No connectivity.  Will try again on next run"
    rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName/mount_running

#######  Create Rclone Mount  #######

# Check If Rclone Mount Already Created
if [[ -f "$RcloneMountLocation/mountcheck" ]]; then
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Success ${RcloneRemoteName} remote is already mounted."
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Mount not running. Will now mount ${RcloneRemoteName} remote."
# Creating mountcheck file in case it doesn't already exist
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Recreating mountcheck file for ${RcloneRemoteName} remote."
    touch mountcheck
    rclone copy mountcheck $RcloneRemoteName: -vv --no-traverse
# Check bind option
    if [[  $CreateBindMount == 'Y' ]]; then
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *** Checking if IP address ${RCloneMountIP} already created for remote ${RcloneRemoteName}"
        ping -q -c2 $RCloneMountIP > /dev/null # -q quiet, -c number of pings to perform
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # ping returns exit status 0 if successful
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *** IP address ${RCloneMountIP} already created for remote ${RcloneRemoteName}"
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *** Creating IP address ${RCloneMountIP} for remote ${RcloneRemoteName}"
            ip addr add $RCloneMountIP/24 dev $NetworkAdapter label $NetworkAdapter:$VirtualIPNumber
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *** Created bind mount ${RCloneMountIP} for remote ${RcloneRemoteName}"
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *** Creating mount for remote ${RcloneRemoteName}"
# create rclone mount
    rclone mount \
    $Command1 $Command2 $Command3 $Command4 $Command5 $Command6 $Command7 $Command8 \
    --allow-other \
    --dir-cache-time $RcloneMountDirCacheTime \
    --log-level INFO \
    --poll-interval 15s \
    --cache-dir=$RcloneCacheShare/cache/$RcloneRemoteName \
    --vfs-cache-mode full \
    --vfs-cache-max-size $RcloneCacheMaxSize \
    --vfs-cache-max-age $RcloneCacheMaxAge \
    --bind=$RCloneMountIP \
    $RcloneRemoteName: $RcloneMountLocation &

# Check if Mount Successful
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: sleeping for 5 seconds"
# slight pause to give mount time to finalise
    sleep 5
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: continuing..."
    if [[ -f "$RcloneMountLocation/mountcheck" ]]; then
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Successful mount of ${RcloneRemoteName} mount."
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") CRITICAL: ${RcloneRemoteName} mount failed - please check for problems.  Stopping dockers"
        docker stop $DockerStart
        rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName/mount_running

####### Start MergerFS Mount #######

if [[  $MergerfsMountShare == 'ignore' ]]; then
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Not creating mergerfs mount as requested."
    if [[ -f "$MergerFSMountLocation/mountcheck" ]]; then
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check successful, ${RcloneRemoteName} mergerfs mount in place."
# check if mergerfs already installed
        if [[ -f "/bin/mergerfs" ]]; then
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Mergerfs already installed, proceeding to create mergerfs mount"
# Build mergerfs binary
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Mergerfs not installed - installing now."
            mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/mergerfs
            docker run -v /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/mergerfs:/build --rm trapexit/mergerfs-static-build
            mv /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/mergerfs/mergerfs /bin
# check if mergerfs install successful
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *sleeping for 5 seconds"
            sleep 5
            if [[ -f "/bin/mergerfs" ]]; then
                echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Mergerfs installed successfully, proceeding to create mergerfs mount."
                echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") ERROR: Mergerfs not installed successfully.  Please check for errors.  Exiting."
                rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName/mount_running
# Create mergerfs mount
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Creating ${RcloneRemoteName} mergerfs mount."
# Extra Mergerfs folders
        if [[  $LocalFilesShare2 != 'ignore' ]]; then
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Adding ${LocalFilesShare2} to ${RcloneRemoteName} mergerfs mount."
        if [[  $LocalFilesShare3 != 'ignore' ]]; then
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Adding ${LocalFilesShare3} to ${RcloneRemoteName} mergerfs mount."
        if [[  $LocalFilesShare4 != 'ignore' ]]; then
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Adding ${LocalFilesShare4} to ${RcloneRemoteName} mergerfs mount."
# make sure mergerfs mount point is empty
        mv $MergerFSMountLocation $LocalFilesLocation
        mkdir -p $MergerFSMountLocation
# mergerfs mount command
        mergerfs $LocalFilesLocation:$RcloneMountLocation$LocalFilesShare2$LocalFilesShare3$LocalFilesShare4 $MergerFSMountLocation -o rw,async_read=false,use_ino,allow_other,func.getattr=newest,category.action=all,category.create=ff,cache.files=partial,dropcacheonclose=true
# check if mergerfs mount successful
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Checking if ${RcloneRemoteName} mergerfs mount created."
        if [[ -f "$MergerFSMountLocation/mountcheck" ]]; then
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check successful, ${RcloneRemoteName} mergerfs mount created."
            echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") CRITICAL: ${RcloneRemoteName} mergerfs mount failed.  Stopping dockers."
            docker stop $DockerStart
            rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName/mount_running

####### Starting Dockers That Need Mergerfs Mount To Work Properly #######

# only start dockers once
if [[ -f "/mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName/dockers_started" ]]; then
    echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: dockers already started."
# Check CA Appdata plugin not backing up or restoring
    if [ -f "/tmp/ca.backup2/tempFiles/backupInProgress" ] || [ -f "/tmp/ca.backup2/tempFiles/restoreInProgress" ] ; then
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Appdata Backup plugin running - not starting dockers."
        touch /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName/dockers_started
        echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Starting dockers."
        docker start $DockerStart

rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes/$RcloneRemoteName/mount_running
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Script complete"




Inside /mount_mergerfs/ there is another folder created called gdrive_media_vfs. Why is this here? This looks like something is misconfigured right? That folder is also inside the /rclone_upload/


Is something wrong here?

Edited by privateer
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So maybe a bit of a luxury problem but i am wondering if this is the correct place to ask:

Love the script btw.

So i got an 1/1 gig fiber, and want to use this to it utmost limit

so i got 2 networks running

vlan10 on eth2 with my sabnzbd and qbit these 2 run 100 mb's a sec without a hitch no issue there

i then run the upload script, fixed on eth0, and while i download my upload speed tanks my download speed? 

what am i missing here? i can move stuff while uploading to and from the array with 110 mb's while its uploading, it would seem that it's only when the upload script starts.

i am wondering if mergerfs or the possibility that im hitting some kind of limit in this script setup

again thanks, i think i have tried everything, but if anybody got an idea, please share it, because im lost :)

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2 hours ago, Playerz said:

So maybe a bit of a luxury problem but i am wondering if this is the correct place to ask:

Love the script btw.

So i got an 1/1 gig fiber, and want to use this to it utmost limit

so i got 2 networks running

vlan10 on eth2 with my sabnzbd and qbit these 2 run 100 mb's a sec without a hitch no issue there

i then run the upload script, fixed on eth0, and while i download my upload speed tanks my download speed? 

what am i missing here? i can move stuff while uploading to and from the array with 110 mb's while its uploading, it would seem that it's only when the upload script starts.

i am wondering if mergerfs or the possibility that im hitting some kind of limit in this script setup

again thanks, i think i have tried everything, but if anybody got an idea, please share it, because im lost :)


when you say your download tanks, how much are we talking?


I suspect your download is being impacted by the need to send Acknowledgement packets - basically when you download something you tell the sender "I received the last packet ok, please send more".  If you're hammering the upload at the same time you might be limiting your download potential - if you don't prioritise your acknowledgement packets.


I prioritise my ACK packets with my pfsense VM and you wouldn't believe the difference it can make to even an average connection!  Not one for this post, but definitely worth you investigating.  Or, just limit your upload to whatever speed doesn't kill your download, and leaves you enough bandwidth to do other things e.g. when I had a gig I capped both at 800Mbps.

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On 11/26/2020 at 5:12 PM, francrouge said:

Hi all


Anyone experience this on plex + gdrive


Error Message:


The conversion failed. The transcoder stopped due to an error.


Completed: [] 404 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/dash/cfl62u47bdgnu0h10chn0i2z/1/initial.mp4 (8 live) TLS GZIP 0ms 458 bytes (pipelined: 20)


thx all

Just got this same issue. Was working fine until today? Tried everything and no luck

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On 6/22/2020 at 6:14 PM, DZMM said:

Multiple mounts, one upload and one tidy-up script.


@watchmeexplode5 did some testing and performance gets worse as you get closer to the 400k mark, so you'll need to do something like below soon:


1. My folder structure looks something like this:








2. I created separate tdrives  / rclone mounts for some of the bigger folders e.g.







for each of those I created a mount script instance where I do NOT create a mergerfs mount


3. I mount each in turn and for the final main mount add the extra tdrive rclone mounts as extra mergerfs folders:


###################### mount tdrive   #########################



# Add extra paths to mergerfs mount in addition to LocalFilesShare

4. Run the single upload script - everything initially gets moved from /mnt/user/local/tdrive_vfs to the tdrive_vfs teamdrive


5. Overnight I run another script to move files from the folders that are in tdrive_vfs: to the correct teamdrive.  You have to work out the encrypted folder names for this to work.  Because rclone is moving the files, the mergerfs mount gets updated i.e. it looks to plex etc like they haven't moved



rclone move tdrive:crypt/music_tdrive_encrypted_folder_name gdrive:crypt/music_tdrive_encrypted_folder_name \
--user-agent="transfer" \
-vv \
--buffer-size 512M \
--drive-chunk-size 512M \
--tpslimit 8 \
--checkers 8 \
--transfers 4 \
--order-by modtime,ascending \
--exclude *fuse_hidden* \
--exclude *_HIDDEN \
--exclude .recycle** \
--exclude .Recycle.Bin/** \
--exclude *.backup~* \
--exclude *.partial~* \
--drive-stop-on-upload-limit \

rclone move tdrive:crypt/tv_tdrive_encrypted_folder_name tdrive_t_adults:crypt/tv_tdrive_encrypted_folder_name \
--user-agent="transfer" \
-vv \
--buffer-size 512M \
--drive-chunk-size 512M \
--tpslimit 8 \
--checkers 8 \
--transfers 4 \
--order-by modtime,ascending \
--exclude *fuse_hidden* \
--exclude *_HIDDEN \
--exclude .recycle** \
--exclude .Recycle.Bin/** \
--exclude *.backup~* \
--exclude *.partial~* \
--drive-stop-on-upload-limit \

rclone move tdrive:crypt/uhd_tdrive_encrypted_folder_name tdrive_uhd:crypt/uhd_tdrive_encrypted_folder_name \
--user-agent="transfer" \
-vv \
--buffer-size 512M \
--drive-chunk-size 512M \
--tpslimit 8 \
--checkers 8 \
--transfers 4 \
--order-by modtime,ascending \
--exclude *fuse_hidden* \
--exclude *_HIDDEN \
--exclude .recycle** \
--exclude .Recycle.Bin/** \
--exclude *.backup~* \
--exclude *.partial~* \
--drive-stop-on-upload-limit \




Hi - can you share that mount script with the merger FS parts striped out? 


for each of those I created a mount script instance where I do NOT create a mergerfs mount

is it just this part? 

# create rclone mount
	rclone mount \
	$Command1 $Command2 $Command3 $Command4 $Command5 $Command6 $Command7 $Command8 \
	--allow-other \
	--dir-cache-time $RcloneMountDirCacheTime \
	--log-level INFO \
	--poll-interval 15s \
	--cache-dir=$RcloneCacheShare/cache/$RcloneRemoteName \
	--vfs-cache-mode full \
	--vfs-cache-max-size $RcloneCacheMaxSize \
	--vfs-cache-max-age $RcloneCacheMaxAge \
	--bind=$RCloneMountIP \
	$RcloneRemoteName: $RcloneMountLocation &


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1 hour ago, axeman said:

Hi - can you share that mount script with the merger FS parts striped out? 

It's in the script settings:


MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs" # location without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable


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Having troubles editing/deleting/moving files in the mount_mergerfs share over SMB. I can do everything I need to using Krusader in a docker, but for whatever reason I can't do it over a network share.


All my shares are set to 'public' and I don't have anything specific to this path in my SMB Extras (but I do have Unassigned Devices installed, with no unassigned device currently in use).

What completely obvious thing am I missing? I'm assuming it suuuper simple because no one else seems to be currently having this problem.

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On 12/5/2020 at 2:37 PM, DZMM said:

It's in the script settings:


MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs" # location without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable



Okay - final dumb question - I want to completely separate out my adult tv shows so that it's not on the same mount. Can I have another merger fs mount, and corresponding upload script? 


Or will the conflict with each other? 

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7 hours ago, axeman said:


Okay - final dumb question - I want to completely separate out my adult tv shows so that it's not on the same mount. Can I have another merger fs mount, and corresponding upload script? 


Or will the conflict with each other? 


what's your objective?


- Main tdrive getting too big?  Create a new rclone mount with a new tdrive and disable the new mergerfs share in that new script.  In your original script add the new rclone mount as an extra local folder

- you want another mergerfs mount for plex or similar with just your TV shows?  I would manually create a 2nd mergerfs mount that merges the rclone remote that's already mounted on your PC and the corresponding local folder.  That way you've got only got 1 rclone mount of the remote

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On 11/26/2020 at 2:12 PM, francrouge said:

Hi all


Anyone experience this on plex + gdrive


Error Message:


The conversion failed. The transcoder stopped due to an error.


Completed: [] 404 GET /video/:/transcode/universal/dash/cfl62u47bdgnu0h10chn0i2z/1/initial.mp4 (8 live) TLS GZIP 0ms 458 bytes (pipelined: 20)


thx all

Ran into the same issue today. If you find a solution please let me know.

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16 hours ago, DZMM said:

what's your objective?


- Main tdrive getting too big?  Create a new rclone mount with a new tdrive and disable the new mergerfs share in that new script.  In your original script add the new rclone mount as an extra local folder

- you want another mergerfs mount for plex or similar with just your TV shows?  I would manually create a 2nd mergerfs mount that merges the rclone remote that's already mounted on your PC and the corresponding local folder.  That way you've got only got 1 rclone mount of the remote

None of the above - more so that I can have a protected share that the kiddos can't see. 

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Ran into the same issue today. If you find a solution please let me know.
Hi nope nothing yet but it took like 1 day and it was working again so i'm thinking api ban but i'm not familiar with all parameters of the drive api.

Since i made one and sometime it get ban


Envoyé de mon Pixel 2 XL en utilisant Tapatalk

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9 hours ago, axeman said:

None of the above - more so that I can have a protected share that the kiddos can't see. 

You can achieve that via unRAID's share settings .  Or, also via Plex and restrict the content ratings your kids can view (recommended) or automatically add a tag to files in certain locations using Tautulli and then restrict your kids to those tags - I do this as it allows me to manually add tags to content I want to expose to my kids e.g. allowing them to watch Marvel movies but not other 12/12A movies that they aren't ready for.


If that doesn't work for you, then do this:

9 hours ago, axeman said:

- you want another mergerfs mount for plex or similar with just your TV shows?  I would manually create a 2nd mergerfs mount that merges the rclone remote that's already mounted on your PC and the corresponding local folder.  That way you've got only got 1 rclone mount of the remote



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@DZMM Hi again

so i have fixed my gigabit issue, quite easy when you know what to do..

but now i got a new issuem when i try and play a movie, i get this issue 
2020/12/10 14:13:39 ERROR : movies/Dial M for Murder (1954)/Dial M for Murder (1954) Bluray-1080p.srt: vfs cache: failed to open item: vfs cache item: check object failed: vfs cache item: open truncate failed: vfs cache: truncate: failed to open cache file: open /mnt/user0/mount_rclone/cache/nidhog/vfs/nidhog/movies/Dial M for Murder (1954)/Dial M for Murder (1954) Bluray-1080p.srt: no medium found
2020/12/10 14:13:39 ERROR : movies/Dial M for Murder (1954)/Dial M for Murder (1954) Bluray-1080p.srt: Non-out-of-space error encountered during open
it seems like it has just started the last day, and i think @francrouge i maybe having something that looks like the same


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18 hours ago, Playerz said:

@DZMM Hi again

so i have fixed my gigabit issue, quite easy when you know what to do..

but now i got a new issuem when i try and play a movie, i get this issue 
2020/12/10 14:13:39 ERROR : movies/Dial M for Murder (1954)/Dial M for Murder (1954) Bluray-1080p.srt: vfs cache: failed to open item: vfs cache item: check object failed: vfs cache item: open truncate failed: vfs cache: truncate: failed to open cache file: open /mnt/user0/mount_rclone/cache/nidhog/vfs/nidhog/movies/Dial M for Murder (1954)/Dial M for Murder (1954) Bluray-1080p.srt: no medium found
2020/12/10 14:13:39 ERROR : movies/Dial M for Murder (1954)/Dial M for Murder (1954) Bluray-1080p.srt: Non-out-of-space error encountered during open
it seems like it has just started the last day, and i think @francrouge i maybe having something that looks like the same



no idea what that is.  Maybe try stopping the mount and then manually deleting the whole cache

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20 minutes ago, DZMM said:

Is anyone else getting a lot of buffering tonight?  I'm wondering if it's linked to Google's outage yesterday?

My entire array went and borked itself last night/this morning. one of my ARRs was doing a massive update at the same time as Emby's library scan. Not sure if this was all related, but I stopped everything, manually deleted the rclone_cache, and restarted UnRaid. Everything seems OK again. 

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Hi Folks - I'm clearly missing something here and hoping for a little guidance. I followed the video guide - 

and was able to get the rclone part configured, I am able to view my onedrive account via the rclone cli commands. Where I got lost was right after that, the scripts and the mounting. I want to have my Unraid Pictures share folder, rclone itself to my OneDrive account. This way OneDrive is a backup for me and unraid file share is the master copy.


What am I missing - this Guide on this thread is more of a high level step by step than a guide as there are no examples or explanations. 

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