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Windows 10 SMB Share issue


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My Windows 10 PC updated on Nov 8th and since im no longer able to access any shares properly. I can access say Pursuit share by going to \\EZRA\disk1\Pursuit\ but not by going to \\EZRA\Pursuit\


This share is private and doing \\EZRA\disk1\Pursuit\ allows access without user info and \\EZRA\Pursuit\ gives error in attached screenshot.


Everything worked fine before this update install.



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Perhaps the clue is in the second paragraph of the error message. If you have a mix of public and private shares and you connect to a public one first you can find yourself locked out of your private shares if the usernames don't match. For example, I'm logged into my account as johnm and I connect to a public share without needing to provide any credentials; then I try to connect to a private share owned by jm - I enter jm's credentials and get the above error.

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You might want to review this post and the next several posts that follow.




Win10 is a real bear when it comes to SMB issues.  It has turned into an never-ending battle as that are three-to-four different versions out there (1809,1803, etc.) and then the home pro, enterprise, educational favors of each of those.  Plus, MS sends updates out and folks get upgraded without even realizing that it has happened.  


You can also wade through these threads:






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Might be SMB1 .

Microsoft broke SMB shares across multiple platforms. We use FreeNas (evaluating Unraid) and also have some really small client environments that are using just plain windows XP machines with open shares. The latest updates of windows 10 (8 too i think) disables SMB version 1 as it says it is a depreciated protocol.  We have had to turn it back on in the windows 10 machines multiple times for some of our clients as MS keeps disabling it.


Some other (off site) references :





How to turn SMB1 back on :



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