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Cannot connect to unRaid shares from Windows 10

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1 hour ago, curtp said:

Would anyone might know why I am having such an issue. I transferred some files from a usb drive to unraid but when I try and access it via windows it'll allow me to go into the share but not the particular folder I just moved over in unraid. In unraid using krusader I can go into the files I just moved just fine. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

how did you transfer the files?   If it was done using Krusader then it is possible the permissions got messed up.    If so running Tools->New Permissions on the relevant share should fix that.

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7 hours ago, itimpi said:

how did you transfer the files?   If it was done using Krusader then it is possible the permissions got messed up.    If so running Tools->New Permissions on the relevant share should fix that.

Thanks it's working fine now. Very much appreciated

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those who are looking for another way to make this work without enabling unsecure connections:

- Create a user in unRaid > Users menu (unless you have one already)

- Open "Control Panel" > "Credential Manager" on the computer you are trying to access the unRAID server shares

- Click "Windows Credentials" > "Add a Windows credential"

- Enter the network name of the unRaid server for "Internet or network address (example: \\THETOWER)

- Enter "username" & "password" of the user on the unRAID server.

- Click ok.

Done, you should be able to just open the unRAID server and all public shares on it.


Edited by CrashDDL
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

@StrandedPirate Unfortunately this does not work for me. I have been trying to get this to work for the past month or so since I purchased UnRAID, with no luck. My main goal (and the whole freaking reason I started this project) is to be able to access shares remotely from a laptop running Windows 10 Home. This was supposed to be a birthday present for someone a month ago at this point, so I am very frustrated. I have tested your suggestion on another laptop running Windows 10 Enterprise but I got the same result. Same thing with putting the "\" in front of the username.


Now I can connect to the shares from a desktop on the wired network, but any PC on WiFi is out of luck (again defeating the point of the whole enterprise).


 - I have tried both the IP as well as the actual name of the server

 - With and without SMB v1 enabled

 - Reloaded the entire VPN as well as the clients multiple times

 - Tested it on an android device and it works fine over SMB

 - Cleared any Windows credentials (only present on the Home laptop)

 - Tried usernames that I know work on the Android and desktop PC


So the VPN shows these laptops I am testing it on as connected, and I can see them exchanging data as it runs. If I use the Ping function from the server it works and gets a reply, however if I try and ping the server from the laptop (either using TOWER or IP 192.168.x.x) I get a general failure message. Today I tried it with the apparent IP address of the VPN server and got a reply, but that doesn't help me as far as I know. 


Sorry if I am coming across as rude or harsh, this has just been a bad experience overall.


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1 hour ago, CuriousMind said:

Now I can connect to the shares from a desktop on the wired network, but any PC on WiFi is out of luck (again defeating the point of the whole enterprise).

Have you checked that the router does not have a setting that stops WiFi devices connecting to LAN devices - many of them do with it being on by default.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have been down this line before but encountering concerns accessing my shares

I have (2x) UnRAID servers (same workgroup)
Server 01: no issues accessing shares 
Server 02: Prompts with username and password login to access shares 
Servers are setup the same.

To overcome this temporarily I had to add the shares from Server 02 via
SMB Shares  | NFS Shares  | ISO File Shares
on Server 01


However, I am looking to sort this out once and for all to why I cannot access the shares directly via Windows of my Server 02.
The admin usernames on each server are different as well as passwords and still get prompted for username and password creds

I have reset the NIC to make sure all connections were disconnected.

I am not sure what I am missing or why this keeps occurring.


If I change security to public, of course I can access all shares on Server 02 without issue. This occurs when private shares are enabled on SMB security.

Any suggestions?



Edited by bombz
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1 hour ago, bombz said:

still get prompted for username and password creds

Windows only allows one login per remote network resource, and once established, it won't use another even though it prompts you for another. You have to delete it from credential manager to establish a different login.



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6 hours ago, trurl said:

What do you mean by that? Only root has access to the webUI and command line. Any other users are strictly for network file access and can't be considered admin in any sense.

My apologies, To clarify, yes username added (other then root) to access file shares. 

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7 hours ago, trurl said:

Windows only allows one login per remote network resource, and once established, it won't use another even though it prompts you for another. You have to delete it from credential manager to establish a different login.



Appreciate the follow-up. Noted.
Based on how Windows works with these shares/network resource, I will not be able to access Server 02 unless removing values out of windows credential manager. 

Therefore, I cannot access both Server 01 and Server 02 shares from the same system at the same time.


The only way around this is the workaround I have setup via server 01, adding the SMB shares to server 01, to access the Server 02 shares.

Or... disabling the private shares on Server 02 temporarily (setting to public) accessing the shares I need on Server 02, then enabling the private share option. 


Another alternative would be RDP to another system on the LAN and accessing the server 02 shares that way, which I have tested, and works.


I also found since deploying server 02, my server 01 no longer displays under the 'network' section within Windows explorer, only server 02
I can still get to server one manually by entering \\Server01 to see and access all shares. 

Edited by bombz
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3 hours ago, bombz said:

Therefore, I cannot access both Server 01 and Server 02 shares from the same system at the same time.

Yes, you can!  In the Credential Manager set up credentials for both servers.  You can log onto any number of SMB servers from a single client computer.  But you are only permit a single client connection to each server.


Now, remember (hopefully, you have read the PDF file in the "security in not a dirt word" thread) that the full client name is  \\COMPUTER_NAME\user_name   


(There is a bit of backdoor in this situation.  Let's say you have a computer named 'DELL_Laptop' that has an IP address of  and the person using has one persona named 'Sam'.  That user can log into a single server using either the IP address or the Computer Name.  This allows for a special case.  Sam could log into a server by using the computer name---  \\DELL_Laptop\Sam.  Now, if he is presented a second login window and this user knows the password of a second persona-- Say Alice.  He could log in on by using the computer name of as user Alice.  He is granted access with a full client name of \\\Alice     SMB, for whatever reason, treats DELL_Laptop  and as separate client computers! ) 


(There is a bit of backdoor in this situation.  Let's say you have a server named 'DELL_Server' that has an IP address of  and that server has two personas named--- 'Sam'  and   'Alice'.  A Client can log into a server using either the IP address or the Computer Name of that server.  This allows for a special case.  A Client on a computer named DELL_Laptop could log into the server by using the computer name---  \\DELL_Laptop\Sam.  Now, if he is presented a second login window and this user knows the password of a second persona-- Say Alice.  He could log in on by using the computer name of as user Alice.  He is granted access with a full client name of    \\\Alice     What I think is going on is that the Windows control on stopping a second login to a server is actually a rule on the Client computer--- DELL_Laptop in this case.  The Windows Client computer is actually seeing the DELL_Server and as two separate servers.   EDIT:  This is a power user type of trick and you have to know exactly how to do it for it to work.) 


Also remember that what we consider a "user" (on the server) is nothing but a set of rules controlling access to the various resources on that server!   Thus, a second Client on a computer name 'ASUS_Desktop' can log as 'Sam' as long as the person on that computer knows the password to Sam.  In this case, the full client name would be  \\ASUS_Desktop\SAM   Notice that these full client names are distinct and SMB has no problem with this situation.  (This can be very handy for Unraid administrators managing small networks.  For example, in a home environment, the Admin might only set up two user accounts--  Parents and Children  -- which would be much simpler to handle/maintain than four to ten accounts. 


What usually happens when someone can't log into a Private share is that he has already been granted access to Public share as a 'Guest'.  In that case, the client computer is already logged onto the server and the request for a second connection to the Private share is denied!   You can read about that situation here:




All of this type of situation can be avoid by getting rid of Public shares and logging every client computer on all servers  using credentials in Credentials Manager when the client computer logs on a user.

Edited by Frank1940
Earlier this evening, I wrote this reply in a bit of a hurry as I had another obligation. As I thought about it, I relaized that I had made a mistake. Sorry about that.
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3 hours ago, N0ri said:

i post the solution which finally worked on my machine.

add windows feature -> SMB 1.0 Client

I used to do this as well.  However, Microsoft is attempting to get rid of SMB v1 support for a good reason and I got tired of fighting Microsoft on SMB v1.


When unRAID introduced WSD support, I disabled SMB v1 on all my client computers as well as in unRAID and have been  happily working with SMB v2/3 for quite a while now.  I have found no scenario in which SMB v1 is necessary for client access to unRAID.

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  • 2 months later...

My cache drive has been failing for a while and I finally replaced it. My unraid server shows up and is reachable on windows network but after 30 minutes or more it no longer shows up or is reachable by \\name but is reachable by \\ip. If you reboot the server then it works for a while then goes back to only ip.


I also have a 2nd unraid server which just backs up my media collection and that one doesn't seem to have this issue.


I should note this problem has been happening since before replacing the cache drive. (probably around the time the drive started throwing smart errors and when it was having trouble writing.)

Edited by ikkuranus
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  • 2 weeks later...

This issues were so frustrating I stopped using SMB on unraid completely and switched to WinSCP and it works rock solid with no complaints. Can't recommend enough to new users if you don't plan to use your unraid as a NAS but just to configure your dockers, upload ISOs and such.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This worked for me also - if you are on Windows 10 home edition you need to DL a safe third party utility and install the GPEDIT.MSC ability. A search on Microsoft will yield an article with a link to this download. It immediately solved my connection issues with UNRAID SERVER. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP EVERYONE

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been running uraid for about a year now had no issues with SMB until yesterday, I switched routers, \\tower shows up in network on win 10, but cannot access, but if I use \\10.0.0.XX (unraids ip) it works fine,  also can access the unraid web ui by using tower, or 10.0.0.XX,  I have tried ever fix I can find including the ones here, also tried restarting the smb and array multiple time to no avail.  Have used the nbtstat -rr on windows and changed policies,  current error has not changed


if I set up a SMB on a VM in unraid I can access using name no issues.  BTW my linux knowledge is minimal.

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