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[Plugin] Linuxserver.io - Unraid Nvidia

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1 hour ago, aidenpryde said:



I recently set this up with a Plex pass and my CPU breathed a sigh of relief as my GPU took over transcoding (thanks for making this!)


My question is, previous to do this, I had transcode going to /tmp (ie RAM).  Should I turn this off or leave it be?



here it still transcode to RAM, no problems or whatsoever... if it not eating all its RAM its fine...

You can limit the amount of ram use with a script. (so Plex won't use all the ram that result in a server crash)


mkdir /tmp/PlexRam
mount -t tmpfs -o size=18g tmpfs /tmp/PlexRam

set it with the User scripts, scheduler "at first array start only" and you fine ;)


('size=Xg' is max allowed ram use)

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6 hours ago, sjaak said:

here it still transcode to RAM, no problems or whatsoever... if it not eating all its RAM its fine...

You can limit the amount of ram use with a script. (so Plex won't use all the ram that result in a server crash)


mkdir /tmp/PlexRam
mount -t tmpfs -o size=18g tmpfs /tmp/PlexRam

set it with the User scripts, scheduler "at first array start only" and you fine ;)


('size=Xg' is max allowed ram use)

Thanks.  I have 32GB of RAM, so no issues with the amount.  I'll probably be getting 64GB+ later this year when I decide on which generation of CPU.


However, shouldn't it transcode in GPU VRAM?  I mean, wouldn't it be better to let it transcode there?

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8 minutes ago, Marshalleq said:

HI all, what's the deal about getting builds updated for the beta's / rc's these days?  It feels wrong to me that I can't help test anything when I have this plugin installed.  Thanks.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and speak for @CHBMB.  


This plugin (and the DVB plugin) are built and maintained by him on a volunteer basis and it isn't always convenient for him (or anyone else) to continually keep up with every release as soon as it's released.  There is significant time required to build and test each and every release which isn't always doable because of other commitments which are probably far more important.  Cut him some slack.


To be honest, at times I'm surprised due to the time required for this that he even bothers to support RC's.

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@Gee1Me too - these plugins are a problem in that it's challenging to beta test.  @steini84 with the ZFS plugin is very responsive, not sure about the unraid nvidia dev yet, which is why I asked.  @DarphBobo yes we appreciate this which is why the question.  What would be fantastic is if @limetech provided a means for triggering localised rebuilds of any third party plugins that require re-compilation to match the kernel.  I've seen this done at boot with new / different kernels back when I did OpenSuse / Novell.  They did this to get around licencing restrictions and binary driver issues whereby they stopped working when a kernel update came along.

Edited by Marshalleq
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1 hour ago, Marshalleq said:

@Gee1Me too - these plugins are a problem in that it's challenging to beta test.  @steini84 with the ZFS plugin is very responsive, not sure about the unraid nvidia dev yet, which is why I asked.  @DarphBobo yes we appreciate this which is why the question.  What would be fantastic is if @limetech provided a means for triggering localised rebuilds of any third party plugins that require re-compilation to match the kernel.  I've seen this done at boot with new / different kernels back when I did OpenSuse / Novell.  They did this to get around licencing restrictions and binary driver issues whereby they stopped working when a kernel update came along.

Limetech would just have to include the nvidia driver in the unraid build. Nvidia runc could be offered as an official plugin or baked in. That's what chbmb does, unpack unraid, bake in nvidia drivers and runc, and recompile. But because chbmb doesn't exactly know what may or may not have changed in unraid releases (not open source) he has to reverse engineer quite a bit.


Qnap on the other hand bakes nvidia drivers and runc in their software.

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1 hour ago, Marshalleq said:

@Gee1Me too - these plugins are a problem in that it's challenging to beta test.  @steini84 with the ZFS plugin is very responsive, not sure about the unraid nvidia dev yet, which is why I asked.  @DarphBobo yes we appreciate this which is why the question.  What would be fantastic is if @limetech provided a means for triggering localised rebuilds of any third party plugins that require re-compilation to match the kernel.  I've seen this done at boot with new / different kernels back when I did OpenSuse / Novell.  They did this to get around licencing restrictions and binary driver issues whereby they stopped working when a kernel update came along.

If you think this is a simple compile on boot job, you have clearly not read much in this thread or understand anything about how much work, manual that is, to get this to compile. If it was a simple script job for each unraid release, it would have been released shortly after. But it is not.


If you want to test unraid releases the second they are ready, run a clean unraid build.

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@saarg Nobody said it was simple and yes I have read some of how this came to be back when I first tried it.  My comment is just saying something currently triggers the build and that something is currently external.  All I'm saying is this could potentially be moved to run by the end user and how Novell / OpenSuse did this was by running a compile at boot.  It was considered very clever at the time, kept all the licencing compliant and gave end users the flexibility.  I don't think trying to be helpful by throwing out an idea warrants such negativity on your part.


As for testing, that's just a silly comment because If everyone had to have a separate replicated set of hardware and software, not much testing would go on now would it?  It would be left up to a select few and that wouldn't be very helpful.



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1 hour ago, Marshalleq said:

@saarg Nobody said it was simple and yes I have read some of how this came to be back when I first tried it.  My comment is just saying something currently triggers the build and that something is currently external.  All I'm saying is this could potentially be moved to run by the end user and how Novell / OpenSuse did this was by running a compile at boot.  It was considered very clever at the time, kept all the licencing compliant and gave end users the flexibility.  I don't think trying to be helpful by throwing out an idea warrants such negativity on your part.


As for testing, that's just a silly comment because If everyone had to have a separate replicated set of hardware and software, not much testing would go on now would it?  It would be left up to a select few and that wouldn't be very helpful.



You've obviously got some ideas, why not do it?


Problem is I see time and time again, is people keep telling us what we should be doing and how quick we should be doing it, now, don't be offended because this is a general observation, rather than personal.


It's ten to one in the morning, I've just got back from work, I have a toddler that is going to get up in about five hours, my wife is heavily pregnant, Unraid Nvidia and beta testing just isn't up there in my list of priorities at this point. 


I've already looked at it and I need to look at compiling the newly added WireGuard out of tree driver.


I will get around to it, but when I can.  And if that means some Unraid users have to stick on v6.8.0 for a week or two then so be it, or, alternatively, forfeit GPU transcoding for a week or two, then so be it.


I've tried every way I could when I was developing this to avoid completely repacking Unraid, I really did, nobody wanted to do that less than me.  But, if we didn't do it this way, then we just saw loads of seg faults.


I get a bit annoyed by criticism of turnaround time, because, as this forum approaches 100,000 users, how many actually give anything back?  And of all the people who tell us how we should be quicker, how many step up and do it themselves?


TL:DR It'll be ready when it's ready, not a moment sooner, and if my wife goes into labour, well, probably going to get delayed.


My life priority order:


1.  Wife/kids

2.  Family

3.  Work (Pays the mortgage and puts food on the table)


@Marshalleq The one big criticism I have is comparing this to ZFS plugin, no disrespect, that's like comparing apples to oranges.  Until you understand, and my last lengthy post on this thread might give you some insight.  Please refrain from complaining.  ZFS installs a package at boot, we replace every single file that makes up Unraid other than bzroot-gui.


I've said it before, I'll say it again.  WE ARE VOLUNTEERS


Want enterprise level turnaround times, pay my wages.



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And I refer people to my last lengthy post on here to help put this in perspective how much work this takes.


And on a daily basis me and the other linuxserver guys are dealing with the other stuff we do, ie docker, and trying to answer support stuff.  Just saying.....


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OMG.@chbmb given you said you typed that at 12:50am I’ll forgive you for misreading my post completely out of context. Incorrectly saying it’s a complaint and incorrectly making out I’m pushing you to get this done, thinking it’s easy or whatever. I said and meant none of those things, only others here have done that. I also didn’t compare you to ZFS I simply stayed i knew they were responsive to dev releases and had no idea about you. Hope you have a great sleep! :)

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I for one am very glad you do what you do. I have been meaning to post this for a while, but get distracted but the same priorities you listed above@chbmb. Please give the LinuxIO guys some time everyone. If you are so fed up with waiting, then this plugin really isn’t for you. Forsake the GPU transcoding and use your cpu. Or you can shut up, and wait until it comes out.@CHBMB will post when he releases it, and until then, just wait.

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For gods sake read the posts. No one is complaining or saying they are fed up with waiting.

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I’m responding more to posts that happened around the original release of 6.8.0, like I said been meaning to post it for a while, but I would rather this thread used for “help xyz isn’t working, what am I doing wrong,” vs “unRAID released a new version, when is this coming out.”

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I'm not sure anyone actually asked that question.  Seems to have reared it's ugly head over nothing.  People who want to help still have to ask questions.  Another unfortunate thing is limetech only give one discussion thread per plugin, so that makes the threads a bit challenging too.  But yes you're right and I doubt anyone wants that, it's a great addition to unraid and from what I remember they had three architectural attempts, each taking quite a bit of work on it's own, so certainly not easy!

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