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WD hard drive from best buy any good?


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so I just had my birthday and ended up getting 3 Xbox 360 wireless PC controllers. I only need 2 for the time being.  I'd like to return one controller to BestBuy and get store credit $59.99 + tax.  BestBuy is showing this WD GREEN Drive for $139.00 Wd 2TB Green Drive yeah kinda spendy, but when I have $65 in store credit coming my way it makes it $74 out of pocket for a 2TB drive. pretty good deal if you ask me.


so is this drive worth the $75 I would be spending on it? its going to be a data drive




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Kind of pricy. NCIX was selling a 2T drive for $89.99 on the weekend and has the bare WD 2T Green for $99.99 on sale. I make Best Buy to price match the bare 2T drive to the NCIX sale price. They might pull some crap like say it's not the same model number (the big stores will sometimes get a special model number so that price matching can be avoided) but if they do then force the issue on the drive size and features (same size, cache, green drive etc).


I guess if you really don't care about throwing that $40 away since it was "free" money then go ahead at their regular price though. At least grab a bare drive and save $10 though.




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You'd be better off using that BestBuy store credit for some Xbox360 games.


You'd only be saving $15 - $20 off the normal going price of a 2TB drive ($90 - $95) if you used the $65 store credit towards the $140 BestBuy 2TB Drive. That's a horrible deal if you ask any of us.

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well I don't have a Xbox 360 I got the controllers to use on my HTPC emulators which work fantastic btw.


I guess I could go through the hassle of having my grams return the controller to Amazon.com for store credit and ask for amazon.com cash.  since the drives im going to buy are on amazon.com. but I didn't want to bring it to her attention and act ungrateful.




@ Poofy... I have a  Monster cable remote I keep posting about right after you post about your harmony remote over on XBMC.org ;)


also I need hard drives to make this unRaid work. I only have 1 TB drive now and I will be unboxing my newegg parts for the servers today after work. so really the only thing im lacking 2 drives.



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@ Poofy... I have a  Monster cable remote I keep posting about right after you post about your harmony remote over on XBMC.org ;)


duh. Sorry.


also I need hard drives to make this unRaid work. I only have 1 TB drive now and I will be unboxing my newegg parts for the servers today after work. so really the only thing im lacking 2 drives.


Then do it! Forget what we say, we are pretty obsessed with HD deals. When I got my first 2TB drives they were $150 for Hitachi drives you can get for $100 nowadays. There is always a better deal, just do the best you can....

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well it looks like i need to buy a gigabyte switch. I can use the controlller for store credit and pick up this bad boy instead.

D-Link - Green Ethernet 5-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Switch


and just buy my 2 hard drives from amazon.com and be done with it.




Either option is great. I have bought several drives from Best Buy. Especially Seagate drives. Their retail drives had a 5 year warranty compared to the 3 year warranty of their OEM drives. I did get a few DOA drives from them & they replaced them at the store. No questions asked.


Concerning the Gig switch. That is a good choice also. I always considered 100MB network plenty fast. Tried a Gig switch and never looked back. Much faster.


Do whatever makes you happy. After all it is your money..  ;)

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