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Docker's not starting: "No space left on device" 6.6.7


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Afternoon all.


All of my docker images are reporting "no space left on device" however i am showing the following:


Label: none  uuid: af22faab-3c0f-4613-9f55-16eac467ca91
    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 19.05GiB
    devid    1 size 100.00GiB used 27.57GiB path /dev/loop2


scrub status for af22faab-3c0f-4613-9f55-16eac467ca91
    scrub started at Mon Feb 25 14:53:57 2019 and finished after 00:00:04
    total bytes scrubbed: 19.86GiB with 0 errors

As a couple of these containers are for home automation, i could do with getting them sorted before my wife needs to turn on the lights. lol




Attached is a copy of the diagnostics.


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Thanks. I had some help on discord, and someone told me that they would still be on there, just by going to:
docker>add container,

selecting each one brought back my previous settings, and currently working my way through them. I'm not sure why it was set to 100gb. I think all the shared were set to 100gb originally so that I didn't fill any drive to the brim. 



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