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Does Unraid not see some GFX cards of favour certain ones?


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I have an old 128MB PCIe Graphics Card 128 MB ATI Radeon X300SE MS V025 gfx card I was going to use as the UNRAID GUI card, but when even i try to use it as Primary, UNRAID grabs the Radeon HD 6670 in the 2nd slot and is not visible in the system devices, only the 6670 is showing (see pic below, this is both both fitted)




But if I remove the the 6670 then unraid gui picks up the x300se and uses it for the GUI 




Here's the Sys/Devs with a GT210 I borrowed inplace of the X300 to check 2 cards did show. 





should I just ditch the X300 and get another for the GUI? 

Any recommendations for a super basic, cheap, low power card the will work just for the GUI?


My system is running Unraid 6.6.7

Asrock x370 Gaming K4

R 1700

16GB ECC ram 



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