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unstatd no proccess found


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hi not sure if im in the right forum area

but I noticed booting up  unraid on the console 

I get 

cat : no write :broken pipe

unstatd: no process found

cat: no write : broken pipe


from what I rest I guess its users script that causes  cat one... but whats causing the unstatd error?


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One thing:

Mar  2 21:34:12 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Invalid folder users contained within /mnt

Probably a docker container is referencing /mnt/users/... in it's template.  Any data that you wind up storing in there is going to be lost at a reboot.

13 minutes ago, comet424 said:

sorry  been dealing with rsync issues..


Only been glancing at your other thread, but in your go file (/config/go on the flashdrive), the line #!/bin/bash is supposed to be the very first line, not in the middle

#?Setup drivers for hardware decoding in Plex
#modprobe i915
#chown -R nobody:users /dev/dri
#chmod -R 777 /dev/dri

# Copy SSH files back to /root/.ssh folder and set permissions for files
	mkdir -p /root/.ssh
	cp /boot/config/ssh/tower_root /root/.ssh/id_rsa
	cat /boot/config/ssh/mitchsserver_root.pub > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
	chmod g-rwx,o-rwx -R /root/.ssh

# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


2 hours ago, comet424 said:

unstatd: no process found


My first instinct is that its from the network stats plugin.  You can try uninstalling and see if it disappears.  If its still there then you'd have to uninstall everything one at a time (but its definitely not from anything CA related).  Once you find it, you'd have to post in the appropriate support thread.

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ah ok I edited the Go file to make sure that one thing first..


I looked in the mnt/users folder it was just a video folder  I gotta see if I can just delete it..  but no docker in there unless its my plex


and as for the network stats..  hmm  is it because its ment for couple unraid versions ago... as I try to update it.. but it says  Network stats is basically no longer available for 6.6.6.  you need 6.7.x rc1  something like that

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10 hours ago, comet424 said:

and as for the network stats..  hmm  is it because its ment for couple unraid versions ago... as I try to update it.. but it says  Network stats is basically no longer available for 6.6.6.  you need 6.7.x rc1  something like that

That's dynamix system stats you're describing.  Network stats is a different plugin 

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so I uninstalled the network statstics  it removed that no process found... I fix the plex it was poining to wrong location..

still have that Cat :no write error but you mentioned in another post its from user scripts and they wont be planning to fix that error any time soon...


if it is a cat error from user scripts...  too bad it doesn't tell you exactly where the error is from..  or what program uses it..   instead of you guys trial and error uninstall reboot see if it fixes it...  too bad installed programs don't keep a log of all the files it installs or what not  so you can say cat no write error whatever  is linked to that specific program


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