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NVME Cache Writes Slowing down dockers


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i've searched for this issue and couldn't find anything on it that didn't talk about cache pooling and btfs. Currently my setup is sab download's/extracts on a 1Tb nvme drive and then holds the file until the mover script runs at 3am, unfortunately while that is going on it slows my dockers down especially plex, the ssd is rated for sequential reads/writes up to 2,000/1,750 MB/s , below is how my shares are setup to use the cache drive.


appdata = prefer

data (download directory) = only

system = prefer


nvme filesystem is xfs;

please any insight would be helpful





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Ideally you should schedule mover for a time when other things aren't competing for the disks. What exactly are the symptoms of your dockers slowing down?


Diagnostics are immediately after a reboot so syslog doesn't include any of the problem.


Disk7 has several reallocated. Keep an eye on it. Do you have Notifications setup to alert you immediately by email or other agent when you have disk or other problems?

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mover is scheduled for 3am no one is using plex or any of the other dockers at that time. the issue is only when new stuff comes in during the day and browsing plex is when i notice more loading time between browsing plex or using other dockers.


as far as disk 7 its actually next to get upgraded, so nothing about my config is out of whack ? i am uploading a new diagnostic as 400gb just got added to the cache drive.


thanks for your help with this.


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15 minutes ago, gambit820 said:

nothing about my config is out of whack

No it looks like a good setup to me.


16 minutes ago, gambit820 said:

uploading a new diagnostic

Nothing really there either. Little will happen in the syslog for long periods when everything is going OK and you aren't using the webUI.


Maybe some combination of writing, reading, and post-processing new files all on the same device? How is the CPU usage looking during this?

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With the writing/post processing I just noticed 3 cores getting pegged to 100 percent and my writes go to 187mbps. Maybe it’s a combination of my processor and the nvme drive being taxed I will keep an eye on it thank you for your help again.

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* Update


want everyone to know i fixed my issue with the NVME and slow speeds it was ultimately a formatting issue so what i did was moved everything off and then deleted did a new config and then sent the discard command to the drive blkdiscard /dev/*replace_with_drive* and then added it back keeping unraid config and boom i am getting 500/mbs reading and writing to the cache now.


thanks everyone for their help.

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