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Shares are missing - already tried prior solutions


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I now this problem is common and I've looked into all the other threads. 

None of the supplied fixes solved my problem.


It started after I've added my cache drive and a 2TB drive to be used unassigned. 


Attached is my diagnostics. 




The shares are accessable over the network. 


On the shares portion of unRaid I get compute for all share sizes. I can't see any free or used space on the drives.

Already tried rebooting, fix common problems and disabling ad blockers.


Also on the Main page it shows no shares.

"No Remote SMB/NFS or ISO File Shares configured."

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It looks like the diagnostics are after a reboot?   Ideally you want them from just after the problem has shown itself.


18 minutes ago, TheFreemancer said:

On the shares portion of unRaid I get compute for all share sizes. I can't see any free or used space on the drives.

Not quite sure what you mean by this?    Maybe a screenshot would help clarify what you mean?


15 minutes ago, TheFreemancer said:

Also on the Main page it shows no shares.

"No Remote SMB/NFS or ISO File Shares configured."

This would be for shares managed by Unassigned Devices, not normal Unraid shares.


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I rebooted to see if the problem would be gone. It still present. So not sure how to make something happen when it's already present. 




This is how it's present. 

Already tried to press calculate all but I after it calculates if I refresh the page everything is like that again.


Pressed compute all and created a diagnostics log after it, maybe it shows the problem. 



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But pior to this instalation of the cache disk or the unassigned drive I could see free and used space on disks. 

The shares are working over smb, I know but something got messed up. 


Being able to see each disks utilization is a big thing. 

Maybe this is just a UI bug or something but it never happened before.


Also I`m getting:

There are no exportable disk shares



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7 minutes ago, TheFreemancer said:

That did it.  Thanks.


But there's no way for the share page to show used and free space? 

Maybe I'm mistaking it with the main page but I remember it showing free and used space and not this calculate option.

I think you probably are getting confused with Main page.    Calculating the Used and Free Space at a User Share Level on a large array is a significant task which is why it is only done on demand.

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