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Networking help - two physical interfaces - only bridge working


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Ive bene using unraid for a long time, but never really had any issues.


I just cant see whats going on with this!


So i have added a second nic to the server to add particular docker images and vm's to it. so everything looks ok I get a second interface and I can see the unraid server on the router but assigning that network to a docker image and I cant access it. it get a address, ive tried assigning it a higher address as well.


I then also notices that the first adaptor, both are listed as custom, does the same. but bridge works.


So how can I assign the docker images to a network?


Ive attached some screenshots of my setup. Any pointers would be great.

Screenshot 2019-03-30 at 20.21.56.png

Screenshot 2019-03-30 at 20.21.48.png

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