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2 unraid systems, swap usb


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I have two servers. One with unlimited storage and one with maximum 12. My questions is, I have both running with several dockers, etc. Am I able to just switch USB drive with the unraid system with all files systems in tact? Or do I need to back each system up then switch the USB drive?

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The key (and associated license limits) follow the physical USB stick. The rest of the config files you can swap.


So, make backups of both sticks, take extra care to keep them properly identified as to which is which. Then erase the config folders on both sticks, and copy the config folder backups to the opposite sticks, minus the .key file, which gets copied back to the original sticks.


Once that is done, you should be able to boot both systems with the sticks swapped.


If that was unclear, restate what you don't understand and we'll try to clarify for you.


There is no need to mess with any other files or folders on the drives, just the config folders and their contents.

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