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Unmountable: No file system


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Hi guys,

So first time I have had to post, which is a good thing I guess, but I think this time I'm in trouble.


2 drives - unmountable: No file system. And I'm sure I have messed the drive order allocation in the array.


Unclean shutdown, power was disconnected.
Powered unraid back on
All disks were unmounted no drives in the array (I had a screenshot of drive order, where would you store it... on the unraid server... genius I know)
All drives appeared under the unassigned devices (not sure if it's worth mentioning but I believe the only drive under the unassigned drives which the mount button was greyed out is the parity drive (I think it’s the parity))
I am 99% sure which drive is parity. It's 1 of 2 10Tb drives (50% chance to stuff it up)
I took an uneducated guess and assigned all data drives to the array
Did not assign parity (don’t know why I have not assigned parity)
Started the array
2 drives have errors / unmounted
Disk 2 -xfs and disk 4 - resefs - Unmountable: No file system

After reading lots of forum posts I decided to
Put array in Maintenance Mode (still no parity mounted)

I ran a check - Read-Check of all array drives
Finished after 23 hours no errors
Still 2 drives with errors - Unmountable: No file system


The more I read the more I am stressing out and getting confused.

As the read-check was running the forum posts I was reading were to run xfs_repair command
So I ran the following

xfs_repair -v /dev/md4
resulted in:

Bad primary superblock - bad magic number!!!

Attempting to find secondary superblock...


All I am seeing is ...... on the screen
Still waiting for it to finish, 2 hours so far.

Too much time thinking while waiting, so thought I might post asking for some advice. Was going to wait for the repair to finish.

One thought I did have was, worst case I could move the data from the failed drives to the 10Tb data drive, as it's pretty new and nearly empty. Not sure if this is a good idea or not also not sure the best way to do it.

So while I wait for the xfs_repair command to finish and I am assuming fail is there any suggestions please, I’m quite lost at the moment.

Thank you for your time in advance


I have attached a disgnostics.


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Wow .... your good :)


Both disks are back online !!! Thought I was stuffed.


So I will add the parity drive back now.  Is there anything else I should be doing. Guess the first thing is to buy a new flash drive.


Does the drive position matter, disk 1 disk 2, I'm sure I got it wrong


Thanks so much

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